Comments by FunTravels
review comment
2 years ago

Yeah, it was the same bitch. She works Kittens, Sugars and now Pandora.
review comment
2 years ago

@dcpnw hard to tell when she decided to rob me instead of fucking me if she actually does that. I know uncle said in one of his comments about Sugars "you should stay late and see Blu", maybe I read too much into that but we all know uncle.
I can think of three main thing (assuming she is YMMV rather than straight out ROB 100% of the time)
1. I agreed to pay before. Had I not, *maybe* she would have gone through. See my review of Charlie at Sugars though, not a guarantee. She couldve always just danced, demanded $400 after and told management that's all we agreed on. Considering dances are now $40 for 3 minutes, $400 for 30 minutes is about right. Some dancers now ask $50 per song. I laugh of course at that.
2. Im very soft spoken, polite, complimentary and non-threatening in person. Don't let my potty mouth here mislead you, lol. I try very hard making a dancer feel at ease with me, which most times works to my advantage. It's my understanding that uncle is very direct and firm.
3. I DMed her on and off for a few weeks trying to schedule time, which probably gave her an idea I'm gonna go for it no matter what and easy ripoff target. I was after her of course based mostly on uncles comment, but end result was the same and I did have my blinders on which she could probably see and decided to take advantage of.
4. I'm not hideous or old, not am I prince charming. Maybe Uncle is simply much better looking. I doubt it's the reason but could be.
5. Maybe she did fuck in the beginning but somewhere along the way realized pretending like she will fuck and then ripping guys off is quicker and easier, especially once she had initially good reputation.
Those are my thoughts. Not sure if they'll help other PLs to reach a different outcome. I would certainly stay the fuck away from this one though.
review comment
2 years ago

@BubbleYam - you are confused. Nobody is naming extras dancers here. The theiving bitch *pretended* she would do extras and robbed me. A rip-off-bitch should and will be named every time. Also note I didn't use her real name, which is very easy to get using dancer license registration from a public state business name lookup. So I didn't out her either, just warned other PLs using her *dancer* name that she is an ROB.
As to honest dancers that provide extras, no, I never connect the name to the deed, nor would I ever call one of those ladies a whore. The honest ones are Adult Service Providers and should not be criminalized or called names of course. Just to clear that up.
review comment
2 years ago

@funonthaside - you are right about most things other than initial ask of $800. Are you local? We have a dancer at Pandora who Barry Mannilow must've met. She asks $850 and will go down to $600, and I know for a fact some guys pay that. She DFKs and BBBJTCWS and shit, so she asks whatever she wants. So sadly $800 is not a totally insane amount for Seattle.
As for other things, you are right of course. My blinders were on mostly because a respected community member that knows what's up mentioned her as someone to see. I should've remembered of course that a whore would rather steal from you than fuck you given a chance. And yes, I should've bought a dance first and watched her attitude and her body language, as well as communitcations in general. I also should've started with a 15 minutes room at least and not half hour so if I needed to walk out, the room fee wouldn't sting as much. And I definitely should've cut my losses at the first $100 when I saw how quickly and easily she lies. I've done it *all* wrong even though I knew better. Blinders on (check), didn't test drive with a dance (check), went for half hour instead of a quicky for the first date (check), kept giving her money as she kept lying to me (check). I was completely stupid this time.
Yes, TNA/escort can be a better value but we've had a shortage of attractive escorts in the area, and it can be a real pain (references, verifications, multiple calls, getting stood up, pictures not matching to what she looks like now, etc.) In a club what you see is what you get, and reference verification and all that other BS simply doesn't exist. But you still bring up many valid points.
review comment
2 years ago

@feargus, thanks, also saw that theiving whore listed on Pandora's IG. Posted this on Pandora, please click approve when you have a chance so it won't get rejected as duplicate/wrong listing. Play safe and have fun!
review comment
2 years ago

You are right of course, my own stupidity came at a price here, but glad I could help a fellow PL. Please feel free to repost. I've been trying to create an account on USASG, but that site keeps timing out on me.
review comment
2 years ago

@sf thanks, good info though sounds a bit tame that night.
review comment
2 years ago

@59 suck a dick and get a life. Your stupid fucking comment is too long so I didn't bother reading it all.
review comment
2 years ago

Sucks you had a bad night. You can always get change from the bar or manager. $40 tip on $60 dances is way too rich for my blood but sounds like you can afford it. I can't totally side with you on the panties issue though, especially if the dancer was a newbie as it's typically best to avoid those. Ive had quite a few dancers lately not even take their top off during a $40 for a 3-minute lap dance. While that annoys me I just stop at once dance and move on to the next dancer. Still sorry it didn't work out better for you. With the VIP rooms it's best to ask what you expect, e.g. are the dances fully nude, etc. Doesn't mean you won't get lied to, but then you have an excuse to leave early and prorate the fee.