
Comments by Wjesb

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Beating the tip parade?
    Yeah, overall, there are good discussions and strategies here, but honestly, if you haven't been to the northeast, it is hard to comprehend. I sincerely doubt it is anything we can change by voting with wallet as the average PL has no problem getting fleeced on the tip parades and make it worse for the rest. Pretty much similar to how the price for hookers has only gone up here and not down. I stopped going to lookers, and AJ's because they are ridiculous with the tip parades. It would be one thing if the dancers were doing an actual show, but they just move side to side and maybe shake their asses half-heartedly before scrounging for tips. I actually had a laugh the other day at Johnny A's because a dancer was talking to me how most girls liked going there compared to breathless since they can make enough money for the night without doing any dances or vip because of the parade.