
Comments by xRoland

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    2 years ago
    First Time and Lessons Learned
    Yeah, I guess that’s what I’m looking for, definitely a tall ask. Maybe, I’ll try out a nightclub or dance club next. I go to raves, but those are only so often and you don’t exactly get to have a conversation with someone.
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    2 years ago
    First Time and Lessons Learned
    Thank you to the people answered my questions, I’ll use that in future if I decide to go again! To clear some rumors, I’m 22, I’ve been working since I got out of high school and it’s salary. (You can work out on your own what I do) Sorry for talking like a 30 year old divorcee, it’s just the way I talk and I didn’t know the specific rules for general discussions, nor did I want to be as vulgar. I do get laid, on occasion, albeit I was sexually frustrated. It was a spur of a moment decision to say fuck it and explore a strip club by myself for the first time. I guess my question for you more grounded individuals here, is where can I experience that same fun atmosphere? For me the sexy stuff was kind of the bonus. Deep down, I’m a workaholic whose a little lonely and enjoyed the laughing and dancing.
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    2 years ago
    First Time and Lessons Learned
    Summary: I really only have one regret and that’s paying too much and not really understanding what I was agreeing/buying. I know it’s a business transaction, but I never really thought about asking what your getting because I had a perception it would be rude or looked down upon. I enjoyed the vibes and the girls were fun, and even earned a dollar, for a laugh. The girls definitely came out on top compared to my measly dollar. 2 girls came up to me, my ego most definitely got the better of me… the one kind of forced the conversation and advised what to do which was fine, but very… blunt. Felt very rushed. The other girl was more quiet, but was definitely the one that pulled me in. She was fun and was extremely sexy to me. They got me to buy a CR/VIP room and it was pretty much a topless LD and a lot ass touching (which I enjoyed). Maybe not your typical experience for a CR, or price, but girls were funny and had me laughing and grooving to the music they played, which I enjoyed. I didn’t chug the Champagne because I wanted to go home in one piece tonight and the quiet girl complimented me on that I guess. It was more fun than sexy, which I oddly enjoyed. I got my fill for sexiness from the quiet one and her amazing ass. (I accidental brushed her kitty and I apologized and we laughed it off, saying that I got a little extra.) After the CR they didn’t really come back as a team, the quiet one came back up to me and asked if I wanted a LD (topless and accidental ass touching ensued) and I said yes, she offered her number, but I played hard to get for some reason. Relaxed and sobered up with some water, while watching the stage. Quiet girl went on stage and I watched. She said “I love the way you stare at ass”with a smile (I’m guessing that’s a compliment), after she came up to me at the bar, and finally agreed to her number. (She was my kryptonite, I was tipping her so much and had no control) Watched some stage dances, and flirted with another dancer, but someone pulled her before we could talk. Went home at close. Was like a 5hr night. In total 2600 later. My wallet and CC cried that night. I’d also be interested in hearing some of your first times! :)