
Comments by redpillsandusky

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    3 years ago
    Strippers never come up to me
    Yea I went to a strip club yesterday and it was weird I pretty much got ignored by every single girl expect for the hottest one there. She came up to me and told me I havent seen a girl approach you the whole time. I said yea I dont why and she said maybe its cause you look mean, im like nahh wtf. I do have a natural pissed off bitch face tbh but I feel like if you somehwhat good looking an tall, they get intimidated. They usually target the beta average guys. Plus the club I went to is like a low tier ghetto ass club in LA. I will try something else next week and see if theres anything diff. Its the first time Ive went to one. Also race plays a role too, Im brown guy with curly hair and im usually sporting a cap and hoodie, they were much more comfortable with the white dudes just keepin it rl even tho there minorites themselves