Comments by Ajkilla
review comment
a year ago
But not too old!
There is a new girl named Cleo, she is a slim, beautiful woman of color with brown dreads and green eyes & she’s very easy to talk to. Ive only seen her during the day
review comment
a year ago
Yasmine is great, one of my favorites. Very sweet, down to earth & sexy girl. VIP is worth it too but she does have her boundaries. She makes exceptions depending on the person but it won’t be cheap
discussion comment
a year ago
Val placed #1 which was a shock to everyone, beautiful girl but didn’t really dance. Aroura placed 2nd Ariel was 3rd tied with another girl. I was also there and think Aroura danced the best but Yasmine had the best costume, she had this light up cape thing going on which was awesome
review comment
a year ago
@scott2022 Apparently Yasmine’s real name is Audrey and is listed on her Instagram page. There’s a dancer named Audrey at Desire but she recently told me she has no social media. Kind of confusing if you ask me but they look totally different
review comment
a year ago
I think the tall AA spinner you described was Yasmine
review comment
2 years ago
Hmm great review but missing a few great girls; Yasmine, skinny & friendly beautiful AA usually works days, Sky who is newer and just came from Cadillac, usually works nights but caught her day shift recently, very slim & short lightskin AA with dark hair, Haze who is very VERY tall, slim & sexy with some tattoos, Ella is also new, Asian girl with light pinkish hair, kind of shy but seemed very busy last time I was there and Savanna who I haven’t talked to yet but she’s also newer but very good looking & seems to have already established her regulars
review comment
2 years ago
There’s a new Sage now, she’s a short thicker Hispanic usually seen during the day and wears pasties over her nips, I’ve asked around about Candance and apparently she’s moved to Florida, Juliet also has moved away. Persia is indeed now working at Foxy Lady I’ve seen her there recently, and Yasmin is back and as beautiful as ever, she’s one of my favorites
review comment
2 years ago
Most of the girls here have “regulars” which is guaranteed money for them. It’s easier for them to go straight to them than to try with new customers and potentially get rejected. Only time they’ll approach you is if their regulars are not around or if it’s really slow. When slow, they stand around by the dj booth or you can get their attention when on stage
review comment
2 years ago
But not too old!
@mrprov pretty sure the blonde buzz cut girls name is Ayesha
review comment
2 years ago
But not too old!
I stopped by today and heard that Yasmine (one of my favorites) and Candace were recently fired due to an altercation with a customer
review comment
2 years ago
Just to add, the girls will get nude on stage if there’s enough tips. Lap dance area is only topless due to club rules
review comment
3 years ago
Crystal and Tiffany tend to team up day shifts and bombard guys at the bar for drinks/ double dances. They’ll stand there for a minute or 2 and move to their next victim. One time I told Tiffany I only wanted to get Crystal a drink and she caught the nastiest attitude as if she’s entitled or something. Beware of those 2 if you see them together
review comment
3 years ago
But not too old!
@ludodecker it depends on the girl, her boundaries and what you two negotiate. Day or nights
review comment
3 years ago
@nelly76 Jasmine works night shifts and is bigger in size, and is maybe in the her late 20’s. Yasmine works only days, is thin with long legs and is in her early 20’s. She kind of resembles Zoe Saldana, a total knockout if you ask me
review comment
3 years ago
But not too old!
Aaliyah doesn’t work there anymore and Lola got fired a while back
review comment
3 years ago
Ive done rooms with Julissa and Yasmine, Julissa is fun and Yasmine seems like more of a good girl but still showed me a good time. I feel like she would deliver for the right price but would have to be discussed beforehand and similar with Julissa