
Comments by Miami6006

  • review #409128
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    Loud music bothered me too until I used plugs. For the loud music I recommend wearing ear plugs because you can actually get long term hearing damage or get tinnitus ringing in the ears (loud club music is especially dangerous because it echoes off the walls making it louder than an outdoor concert). You can get a dozen+ ear plug pack at Walmart for less than 10 bucks. I always wear my skin tone plugs that reduce sound by 30 decibels, and it's made clubbing very comfortable.. no one has ever noticed I got them on. Slight issue when sanders talk to me occasisonally I need to tell them to speak up but it's better than losing my hearing... I wear it to bars and night clubs too, as music is loud everywhere we go now... Absolute life safer
  • review #407781
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    Never said it was a steal, obviously negotiate to get your price.
  • review #403964
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    @iknowbetter like a low quality smoker tatted up type that looks like it has 300k miles
  • review #401284
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    Someone else said he was charged $60 on the weekends. Ridiculous. I also had a bad experience here on a Friday afternoon. Bartender is so aggressive and rude if you don’t order a drink.
  • review #400612
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    “ Be very wary of not getting what was promised has happened to me and a bunch of others.” Yeah I’d spend so much here if I didn’t hear the horror stories. I think some people try to “feel out the girl” With private lap dances. If those go well, then the vip might as well
  • review #400709
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    @techman it’s fully nude on the poles usually, but I’ve noticed few girls only go topless
  • review #397494
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    You drove from Orlando? The dedication was real haha
  • review #397171
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    For loud music, I strongly recommend getting a set of ear plugs. You will get hearing damage and tinnitus from these places because the walls bounce the loud music around and it just floods the ears. I’m young and don’t want to lose my hearing. They make skin tone color ear plugs so they’re not noticable , I wear them to all bars and clubs, and no one ever notices them. Only small issue is ocassionally I must ask people to repeat themselves but it’s worth it
  • review #396813
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    Shortest review ever. Also crypto is a scam
  • review #396558
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    someone on here said if you threaten to tell the manager they will reverse course. I also read someone said they asked the door guy for the house fee back because his services weren’t up to par but I don’t know if this works, maybe if you go back to the door guy shortly after walking in so he knows you weren’t in there for long. The manager probably wouldn’t do anything but the threat and the bad name she might get from multiple complaints could her her booted from the club maybe ?
  • review #396773
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    To be honest it’s still a steal even without the house fee included. Hardly ever hear prices like that
  • review #396686
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    Do the girls get paid to be there? That would explain why they aren’t working some days . Also, another thing- for the loud music, I highly recommend wearing a set of ear plugs. They make skin tone colored ones, or see thru small discrete “high fidelity” ones for concerts. I do not visit any club or bar without wearing the ear plugs. I wore the plugs to the club the other day (-29 db), and I could still hear all the loud music and chatter around me. Only sometimes when a dancer talks to me I have to motion for them to repeat themselves and come closer, but it’s worth it to save my hearing. I would go to the bathroom to adjust my plugs and I take off the plug from ear and the music becomes extraordinary and suprisingly loud … I’m always surprised how loud the music is because with the plugs in reducing it by 30db, it’s still pretty loud. Tinnitus and long term hearing damage aren’t worth it.
  • review #396558
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    By the way I think I was there that night , line for the vip rooms was long all night. I did see a skinny light skin black girl that looked ok, If this was her, I could understand why you’d like her. From my experience at tootsies, I never have done vip but I have girls their asked prices just to entertain the idea . Whenever I “hesitate” after they say the initial price, they start dropping the price big. One girl quoted me 500 then I hestitated and she said what price you think is good? Also another thing I try to do SOMETIMES is ask a dude leaving the vip rooms how it went with their girl (if it’s a girl I had interest in). I know dudes don’t want to talk to other dudes but I try to make it quick and this little tidbit of info could help. If the dude feels scammed I feel like they would tell me. Once I asked a guy at vixens how it went and he blew me off and shrugged his shoulders lol. Another guy at tootsies left vip and he said the girl was goood, so there’s that. I have that girl on my favorites list
  • review #396558
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    You got scammed bro but this is part of the game I guess. If she was having a cycle, why on earth did she agree on that before getting in the room? Sucks hearing so many stories like this at clubs.