
Comments by Searching4u (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Looking for Fun in My Move to New Jersey
    Thanks for ideas! I knew I was leaving the best place for this type of hobby in the US but I was hoping I wasn’t moving to a ghost town. If your still in the area when I get out there B I’ll make sure to stop into sunrise and partake in your company ;)
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Looking for Fun in My Move to New Jersey
    Yeah it’s a work move otherwise no chance I lived in paradise… haha. I posted here on recommendation of a veteran TUSCL member just trying to gather some intel so I’m prepared for the changes. AA is honestly my least favorite just due to some terrible experiences in the D early on in my hobbies but also the reason I prefer SC to SW. I appreciate the responses!
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Three strikes and I’m Out
    Oh no doubt, that just meant she was getting tipped for anything else. I’m a good tipper too. If I’m enjoying myself and being taken care of I always tip everybody doormen, waitresses, valet, girls even ones I don’t have interest in. It’s just polite they are at work and everyone can use a few spare dollars for whatever plus if your tipping and have an issue with another patron guess who doesn’t get tossed out.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    FC for the Win!
    Pretty basic it should be up by Friday and it’s made so that people can go outside and eat or drink after 10pm and they are supposed to put poles out there as well.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    FC for the Win!
    Damn give a place a decent review and now I’m an “ad.” Thanks Desert
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    All the hype and none of the delivery
    I plan to go again to make judgment but as far as making a comeback I would lean towards no. No curtains at all in VIP just giant open room and the price I was quoted was outrageous