Comments by Hobbyist23
article comment
2 years ago
Great advice. I’m going to try this out next weekend and test the difference.
review comment
3 years ago
@papi the above comment was for you my bad, and Joker I will make my rounds and visit each one and post a review on all of them.
review comment
3 years ago
Honey(white/maybe mixed) probably 5”10 big tits small bottom tats dark brown hair probably 30’s
Barbie(Aa)about similar height or maybe it was the heels. Definitely bolt in tits decent sized butt. Black hair and long nails maybe late 30’s
Jasmine(AA) not sure about age but big tits and butt. 5”6or 5”7 maybe not too sure as I only saw through the glass.
Passion(white) definitely older but looks decent for age. Maybe 50s. Probably C cups flat butt.
Kristy(white) looks 40’s definitely looks enchanted too and bottom. Taller side 5”10 maybe.
I’m not too good with guessing ages and stuff but hope this helps.
review comment
3 years ago
Appreciate it. I’ll keep all of that in mind. I tipped .8 based on the name being dropped I’ll leave the rest out for now. I’ll make sure to include all details next review.
review comment
3 years ago
Thanks for understanding. I promise my reviews will be better lol.