Joined Apr, 2021
Last Seen Mar, 2025
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Eastern South Dakota during Pheasant Season?I'll need to maybe route thru Omaha. I'll take a look at reviews. Thanks!

Déjà Vu Colorado Springs
2145 B St
Colorado Springs, CO 80906When I buy something, I have certain expectancies of consistency. Many years ago, DJV here use to be really consistent. Now, it’s like someone…
Eastern South Dakota during Pheasant Season?I need to head over to SD in the next month. Anyone been to Mitchell or Lesterville clubs this month? Is it a good…
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Politicians and their looksI was at a cancer event years ago at the University of Colorado - Anschutz Medical Campus in Denver. One of the national networks…
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Hot Teacher fired after school finds out about OnlyfansIt's a Subscription site. Only 18+ (typically) have credit cards/BitCoin to join. I don't see why her personal life affects her job as long…
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Good Looking TreesI grew up in NY. The Adirondack Mountains & Catskills are spectacular in Fall: oak, sugar maple, elm, birch, etc just burst with color.
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Entitlement - It's Not Just for Strippers Anymore@TooOld4ThisShit: Medicare is not welfare - we were forced to pay into it for many MANY years, just like SS. What is you beef?…
Chat Icon blinking nowOK, maybe it's just me. My Chat Icon started to blink today, and I noticed a few messages from like 4 & 5 months…
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Crazy shit@skibum609: I had no idea about black/dark/tans. I use to go to Boston a fair amount in the 1980s, I worked for Digital Equipment…
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Crazy shit1) I was drinking a black/tan with a buddy at a bar. I picked up my glass to finish off the last swallow and…
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Happy indigenous people day!The only true indigenous human are from Africa; humans migrated from their across the globe. So the "indigenous" people of North America didn't originate…
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Liberals on how to fix America ^ this makes no sense.
How about we take the money being used to put-up illegals in hotels and finish The Wall (there is…
How about we take the money being used to put-up illegals in hotels and finish The Wall (there is…
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Anchor Tattoo^"She had a baby in the U.S. making it a citizen..." The 14thA on-soil birth-right needs to change. At a minimum one (DNA proof)…
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What’s Really Going on in Clubs (A Different Take)MRsalty99: what you wrote falls in-line with my thoughts. In my case, my wife has been 100% totally disabled for 23 years (MS, dementia…
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LDK for the Release, or the Reaction?If a stripper is not a fan of a LDK, isn't that odd? I'd think this is expected as part of the job expectation.…
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NYC becomes hooker convention for diplomats seeking escorts, etc.I heard several news story that the area was wiped clean of trash, tents, needles, poo, homeless and illegals - where'd they go, Gracie…
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NYC becomes hooker convention for diplomats seeking escorts, etc.@gammanu95: Don't ya just wish we all had "Diplomate Immunity"! Wonder what else they are doing aside from BITCHING about "Climate Change" and looking…
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Western Canada vs Eastern CanadaI grew-up in Syracuse and I miss the winters - I really do. And, I miss the clam bakes and time at the Finger…
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Why don't illegal immigrants strip?@ilbbaicnl: What is it with you and Fox (FDS)? I'll admit I watch Gutfeld! and I go back to his Red Eye days.
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Why don't illegal immigrants strip?"The employment niche that illegal immigrants have filled is the type of work that no one else will do (at least not at the…
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Missing F-35 Fighter JetThis thing flew for 80 miles before going down for whatever reason. What amazes me is the lack of an encrypted tracker that activates…