
Comments by babyisabadgirl

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    4 years ago
    ▪️Wild is my favorite color▪️
    Couples at HK
    Desert pain in my ass, kindly fuck right off. If you had two brain cells left to rub together, you would be aware that there has, in fact, been a global pandemic that has nearly ruined the airline industry, thus, most prices have rock bottomed. If you must know DFW-SAN is $66. Perhaps you yourself, should hop on board, fly on down, and have the stick in your ass left over from your last trip finally removed. It must be uncomfortable by now.
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    4 years ago
    ▪️Wild is my favorite color▪️
    Couples at HK
    Wtf is even going on here. If I’ve learned anything, especially based off the private messages I’ve received from people posting here, it’s basically that this “community” is wildly unwelcoming. Who knew a wife booking a trip for some fun with her husband was such a rare occurrence that it is completely beyond the realm of possibility. Sad for you 🤷🏻‍♀️ Thank you to the ones who offered genuine advice and insight. I appreciate it. Maybe we will cross paths next month if Covid plays nice. At very least my husband will get a good laugh out of me being “a troll, a speckled unicorn, or an 18yr old with juice boxes in Florida” Lessons have definitely been learned.
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    4 years ago
    ▪️Wild is my favorite color▪️
    Couples at HK
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    ▪️Wild is my favorite color▪️
    Couples at HK
    @skibum609 I bet he’s run at parties
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    ▪️Wild is my favorite color▪️
    Couples at HK
    I mean I enjoy doing things with my husband..... that’s why? And if you must know it was only $68 round trip each so why would we not fly?! Please enlighten me on where in the continental US I can acquire sex workers better and more fun? Because I’m 99% sure I’ve covered the hand full of good ones in the US as well as most southern swinger clubs. Not that it’s any of your business what I decide to do with my money, my husband, and my pussy, or where I decide to do it at. There’s only one man I answer to and it’s not you friend. I’m sorry you’ve had such a horrible experience with women that it isn’t even in the realm of possibility in your world that a wife would want to surprise her husband with some side pussy. Sucks for you 🤷🏻‍♀️ If you have any more issue with me find your way to my inbox otherwise stay off my thread unless you would like to be helpful
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    ▪️Wild is my favorite color▪️
    Couples at HK
    @desertscroll I mean I am 5’’1 but no one has ever called me a troll
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    ▪️Wild is my favorite color▪️
    Couples at HK
    @desertscrub wtf does that even mean? I look like a troll?
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    ▪️Wild is my favorite color▪️
    Couples at HK
    @greenbeans you may be surprised to find I am actually submissive by nature. Just very much a planner. I like to have all the kinks worked out beforehand so my husband has nothing to worry about and zero stress. I would also be happy to review our experience 😘 Fingers crossed covid lays off
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    ▪️Wild is my favorite color▪️
    Couples at HK
    @Eve it’s so mind boggling to me. I guess it shows what a privileged world I live in. Why can’t women want to fuck just as much as men? Or watch beautiful women? So obtuse.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    ▪️Wild is my favorite color▪️
    Couples at HK
    I speak Spanish fluently so I will not need assistance negotiating and I tend to make friends easily with most women I bring home to my husband. You just have to remember everyone has a number, it’s just a matter of how bad you want it 😘
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    ▪️Wild is my favorite color▪️
    Couples at HK
    @desertscrub ?????? Are you lost?
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    ▪️Wild is my favorite color▪️
    Couples at HK
    Lol thanks, I try to be a fun wife and not the wife that leaves something missing or unfulfilled. I find it makes things much easier to talk about and neither of us ever hide anything from the other since we are both so open. But Yikes. I guess the thought never crossed my mind. I mean I think it’s obvious that I am very clearly not a sex worker 🤣 but who knows. We’ve visited Cabo a few times in the last two years and I’ve always accompanied him to the strip clubs there and it’s never been an issue. The girls that I took back to the room with us never mentioned it either and didn’t seem uncomfortable. I’m going to be so bummed if I don’t get to go. I guess I can just find my own trouble in San Diego for the night ☹️☹️