
Comments by VanHeusen81

  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    Honeytrapped by Sawyer
    I just learned about the hep C a couple of weeks ago from someone close to her. That was what tipped the scale for me to post anything at all. I told the initial story and just forgot to add it. Don't presume to know my mind. I reported my experience and you reported yours. I'm not sure what your continued stake is in this discussion is beyond that.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    Honeytrapped by Sawyer
    If you all have a thing that's great. I would have said the same thing as you before this happened. However, I'd say getting robbed at gunpoint is a pretty good reason to harbor a grudge and a good reason to create an account to warn others. I think blowing it off and saying that's normal stripper behavior is doing a disservice to the ones who don't pull this kind of shit, which in my experience is the vast majority. I might expect it from a $100 street hooker, but not one who has given every impression previously that she's trustworthy. And lastly, as I said before, above all things, she is a health risk.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    Honeytrapped by Sawyer
    Oh and one VERY important thing I forgot to mention, and is one of the main reasons I wanted to be specific who we're talking about, a dancer I recently met who knows her all too well can confirm she has Hep-C due to her constant use of needles. She doesn't like to snort her pills because her nose is already fucked up due to her past use.
  • review comment
    4 months ago
    Honeytrapped by Sawyer
    She chose the room. I was too excited (and somewhat mentally incapacitated) being with her OTC to pay attention. She may have even asked not to have it locked shut because of some past trauma lol.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    Honeytrapped by Sawyer
    Well I don't know when the last time you hooked up with her was. I'm hearing from other clients she's getting more desperate as her looks decline with age and her continued drug use. I've since met many of her regulars that quit seeing her because she can't be trusted when she's short on enough cash to buy her drugs. She likes to buy in bulk so she can get them at a discount. Also, another customer told me at the time I was robbed she was hitting up regulars to help pay her property tax at the end of the year. Her house was paid for by some old man who used to be her sugar daddy, but she still has to pay the taxes every year. In fact, his family has been fighting to get the house taken away for years because they know she scammed him. He was giving her $10,000 a month for rehab but she was just pretending to go and using the money to buy her drugs.
  • review comment
    4 months ago
    It’s the best I’ve found in Lex so far
    "I opted for the more seasoned lady with the nice aftermarket gear." That's Sawyer and she will do everything in the 20 minute VIP (200 roses), just make sure you wear a condom because she uses needles and has an extremely high dollar drug habit. I've now heard this from multiple dancers who used to work with her there. There is a reason she is there every single night.
  • review comment
    4 months ago
    The good, the better, and the pretty
    Every inch of that building is covered by camera, the owner can even watch it from home. I wouldn't be surprised if he posted the vids on the dark web.