
Comments by ATL_bill

  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Seeking spinners without inhibitions
    Fresh faces, blue balls but will return
    It doesn’t seem like the influx of Cubans from platinum are still there. I was hoping to hit the place up when it had its normal stable of girls plus the ones from platinum.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stinko de Mayo
    I’m curious if the landlord thinks the place isn’t long for this world and isn’t willing to toss any money at a sinking ship. Seems like a mild refresh could go a long way for this place. The massive booths just suck.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    A good 5 hours
    This seems like a shift from the TT I remember which is a good thing. It’s been about a year since I went and I was there during night shift. At the time it was 80-85% white and there was no hunting. The girls just parked until their regular showed up, with maybe one or two Cubans. Sounds like mileage is better now than it was.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Cheetah Update
    Wow. $20 Cheetah air dances... I want to like the place but haven't been back in almost a year because you get less juice for the squeeze. Seems like they want to keep me away with prices like that. That said, $200 VIP is cheaper than about anywhere else. Thank you for doing the hard work Dr. Evil.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    First vist to Platinum, and it lives up to the hype.
    Addendum: I did say that Platinum was the highest mileage club I've been to in ATL. I have not tried Club Vivide (V Live)yet. That will probably be the next one I try, but for mileage, Platinum beats out Cheetah, TT's, Pink Pony, and Oasis by quite a bit.