
Comments by Nohub

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    If it feels good, do it
    New, just got my "ITC" and "OTC" if that's what it's called in one night.
    @Fun_Loving_Fella The Colombian girls name was Isabella. The gothy looking girls name was Deanna. Sorry for not specifying. And for the perfume? I literally brought them up to my spare bedroom for the night. Didn't even let them in the master. Washed the sheets and stuff ofcourse. No one goes in the spare bedrooms so I figured it was safe. Seems to be good so far. @San_Jose_Guy and @Fun_Loving_Fella What is considered the front room? Like the whole main lobby where everyone is. Or is the front room where you just get 20$ lap dances in a big room? Because I did make out with her a bit before going to VIP. She kissed me first and went full tongue with it which honestly was a little to quick with me. So I texted her. Asked her when she is coming back. The Colombian that was the for what she said was an appearance. She said she was back in the city right by me. That's where she lives. I answered back asking if she knows when she comes back to the club or if she works at one there. Waiting on a response.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    If it feels good, do it
    New, just got my "ITC" and "OTC" if that's what it's called in one night.
    @CJKent Didn't take any pics. Don't want that shit floating around on my phone. Was she a pornstar? Not that I know of lol. She was there for an appearance from what I was told. I only got her first "name". So who knows legitimately could have been. I should look it up lol. She was good enough looking. First name was Isabella. Don't know any stars with that name really. Do any of ya'll?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    If it feels good, do it
    New, just got my "ITC" and "OTC" if that's what it's called in one night.
    @Fun_Loving_Fell lol I had the whole place cleaned up and everything so it was good to go. @Bharlem81 Well shit. A whole hour earlier? Honestly, can't compete with that. @herbtcat I can tell you one was a Colombian girl and the other was some gothy white chick with a little bit to grab on. The Colombian def had some silicones. Ain't gonna tell you the club lol. What was your plan? Go there and look for those girls and try to fuck them? @Nidan111 Pringles can? Pretty sure you need a permit for something that dangerous.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    If it feels good, do it
    New, just got my "ITC" and "OTC" if that's what it's called in one night.
    Makes sense. Thanks for the feedback. So my club is the only nude club in my county. Practically no one goes there. You think that's to my advantage?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    If it feels good, do it
    New, just got my "ITC" and "OTC" if that's what it's called in one night.
    Okay so finally some advice or anything aside from babydoc. What do you mean by "strike while the iron is hot"? You just saying if you think you're running lucky go for it?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    If it feels good, do it
    New, just got my "ITC" and "OTC" if that's what it's called in one night.
    I don't give a shit what you think. I'm looking at how you go about this strip club stuff after my experience. I posted my experience and I'm looking for advice. Asking for advice apart from my experience would be stupid. I told my story for a reason. 1 I'm new here and 2 I've never fucked a stripper nor brought two of them home and had sex with them. Gsteph my girlfriend is coming home in about 4 hours. Honestly I came here to talk about the luck I had and how often/potentially hard it is to get. I used my story as a prelude. My story isn't what I want to talk about. I want to talk about how I can manage this again or what I should expect from the SC after this.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    If it feels good, do it
    New, just got my "ITC" and "OTC" if that's what it's called in one night.
    Baby doc is the only person here taking this literally. I'm sharing my story SIMPLY because I want to try to get back to that. From what he says I won the pussy lottery I guess? Regardless I'm happy about that. But i am posting this for any advice from what I looked up and thought was the site to go to. I mean if you guys really want or need proof I can show you screen shots of texts or something. If these are extras girls I want to know from everyone's knowledge. And if they are how do I spot them again?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    If it feels good, do it
    New, just got my "ITC" and "OTC" if that's what it's called in one night.
    Believe me or not guys. IDGAF. Regardless what should I do after this scenario. One girls home, the other is still there. Did I just get lucky or is it a good place?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    If it feels good, do it
    New, just got my "ITC" and "OTC" if that's what it's called in one night.
    Again no I'm not trolling. I'm here at this site because I want to do this allover again. That is, quite literally why I made the effort to make and account and write out this post. After last night and this morning I have been thinking about it nonstop. I looked up and found you guys. If I was trolling I would be much more assholes/ridiculous about it trust me.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    If it feels good, do it
    New, just got my "ITC" and "OTC" if that's what it's called in one night.
    I'm looking for real feedback, not trolls. Believe me or not I don't care.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    If it feels good, do it
    New, just got my "ITC" and "OTC" if that's what it's called in one night.
    I shit you not my man