
Comments by AtAboy (page 8)

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    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    Difference between preference and a fetish
    Centerfold’s Neptune, DD of TR, and Centerfold’s near AC. They are mixed. They’ll have a few thick AA, some AA with slender bodies, and varied white. I think Centerfold’s has a better variety, more WOC, DD seems to be on the slimmer side and usually more white. (Which I do enjoy if the girl is thick, fun and happens to strike my fancy.) Haven’t been to Centerfold’s in AC in a long time. Have been wanting to go to some other clubs a little further north of Centerfold’s. Basically while I appreciate all the girls different forms of beauty (and I mean it’s naked women, so I’m not unhappy) there’s usually one - two that really catch my eye. This has me now wondering, do the dancers read these forums? Does anyone on here ever worry about getting “found out” or do you not care? Or is that just so unlikely you don’t worry about it?
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    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    Difference between preference and a fetish
    Thanks for the link info. Here’s a pic of the kind of woman I like https://www.instagram.com/p/Btm8A_SFg19/?igshid=1qxzaou9y77pg https://www.instagram.com/p/BtjX_7glWNT/?igshid=em1q2j5ikwel And Kgoddess https://www.instagram.com/p/BwAh3dZnr-N/?igshid=qlnjb5clnmpo
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    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    Difference between preference and a fetish
    I am 38, so yeah still under 40 for the time being. I think the issue is that, I never realized how I felt till kind of recently. As a white person, despite that I grew up in a diverse area of town, over all I was around mostly white people and white beauty standards. My less than white area of town still went to school with the rest of my larger white community, and beauty rules were set in school. The girls everyone wanted to date were thin thin thin white girls, straight blonde hair, no butts, however breast’s were ok. Oh and no hips. Flat flat flat. Media, magazines...I went through my teens in the late 90s when big butts still weren’t cool, despite Sir Mixalot’s hot song. It wasn’t like I had a secret longing I hid, I just didn’t think about it nor was a really exposed to anything else. I started clubbing like 2 years ago and wow I really really realized just how much I like curvy AA women. I will look at a curvy white girl, but like your writing said (I read both) there’s more to an AA woman. It’s a lot about the confidence and presence for me. AA dancers seem to be more open, friendly, exciting and comfortable with their own sexuality. They more often have the body type I like, thick booty and thighs, with flat tummy. I prefer like DD top, but if they aren’t floppy I can enjoy bigger. My clubbing days and times are limited due to work and family life. I’m in a different part of jersey so driving to those places might not be possible for me in the near future. I guess since getting a taste of this “new interest” I only want to look at those kind of women...then I’m wondering, gees is this a preference or some fetish I never knew about...henceforth the title.
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    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    Difference between preference and a fetish
    Thank you, got it. For some reason fetish sounds like its a bad thing. Chulo, checked out your photos. Some are a little too big for me, mostly too top heavy for my liking, but yeah some are exactly what I’m talking about. I have no clue how to post a link on here so I’ll just say check out brinicolee_ on Instagram. That’s what I’m talking about.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    Difference between preference and a fetish
    I like a nice THICK* booty (not think booty) ...though I do *think* about booty often as well...