
Comments by Sirp

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Is this normal stripper behavior?
    There seems to be some confusion here, I am not trying to figure out whether or not the girl is into me. I already know she is.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Is this normal stripper behavior?
    ... and it sounds like they are being reasonable, given the amount of skepticism here, despite what I consider to be overwhelming evidence in my favor.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Is this normal stripper behavior?
    Ishmael, I'm not trying to prove that she's interested in me and not just my money, I already know that. I was just curious if my friends were being reasonable to suspect that she was after my money when she very obviously is not.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    It looks like there is hope for those who want to add some length to their penis
    Do you have any penis shortening options? Mine is much too long.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Is this normal stripper behavior?
    I already know for a fact she's into me for numerous reasons, I'm just surprised my friends would doubt it just because I still buy a lapdance from her occasionally. They see any money changing hands in that context, no matter how small, and it casts the whole rest of the relationship into doubt for them. But I guess it's understandable given the replies here - whenever there's any business involved, there's always going to be doubt. Going into the club and getting some dances with a girl I've been seeing OTC and have already had sex with can be really fucking sexy! It's kind of ironic since at that point I could get it for free but I go in and pay sometimes anyway. I usually won't spend more than $100 cause I don't want to risk becoming viewed as a real income source but it has been a lot of fun, I've done it with a few different girls in that scenario.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Is this normal stripper behavior?
    For context, we are both already in open relationships and just meet up to have sex. We grab a drink and have a ‘date’ first just to warm up. She always comes 3+ times and is usually very eager to see me. I could probably see her every week if I wanted to but I just hit her up 1-2 times a month.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Is this normal stripper behavior?
    So you guys still think there is a chance she could be hustling me then? And that maybe I just found a stripper that gives out complimentary sex with every lapdance? Wtf... well I thought my friends were crazy for thinking this but if even you experienced mongers think there's a chance that its a hustle then I guess I can't be mad at my friends. I still think its nuts though!