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Joined Mar, 2019
Last Seen Nov, 2024


avatar for alan785
5 years ago
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1 Franklin Sq Providence, RI 02903
A few daytime pre-Christmas visits
This is a summary of a few recent afternoon visits (pre-Christmas, so holiday-season adjacent).

Everyone knows the basics, but for the sake of the…
avatar for alan785
5 years ago
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High energy neighborhood club with hottie dancers
Piggybacking on OWG's comment: does someone know the name of a new Asian girl -- young (~21-23 probably), slim and relatively short, small breasts,…
avatar for alan785
5 years ago
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Playhouse Lounge
​1205 US Route 130 N Burlington, NJ 08016
Rather disappointing
I am not sure why my experience was different that what the reviews seem to suggest, but this was a rather abysmal visit for…
avatar for alan785
5 years ago
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Rick's Cabaret
135 9th St Pittsburgh, PA 15222
So-so -- one experience good, the other sub-par
This is a joint review for two visits: one on Wednesday and one on Saturday.

The club is fairly small -- goes on two…
avatar for alan785
6 years ago
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Ok, but slightly empty Thursday evening
Haha, didn't even notice. Woo!
avatar for alan785
6 years ago
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1 Franklin Sq Providence, RI 02903
Ok, but slightly empty Thursday evening
Came on a Thursday afternoon ~4, so caught the shift change. I've a feeling some of the girls must be on vacation, because the…
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6 years ago
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Typical Tuesday at Desire
Inga was among the worst CRs I've ever done. She looked like she hated being there the entire time (what's worse her attitude flipped…
avatar for alan785
6 years ago
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Mediocre Saturday night
Also, I gotta say, I had never gotten asked to pay for LD before the dance prior to this visit. I guess the crowd…
avatar for alan785
6 years ago
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Mediocre Saturday night
I believe you, Marina must've been out of it by that time then =)
Completely agree on both points about after 10 pm.…
avatar for alan785
6 years ago
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1 Franklin Sq Providence, RI 02903
Mediocre Saturday night
I won't belabor the details of the layout or the pricing, because they're pretty well known by now.

I arrived ~8:30-9 pm -- which…
avatar for alan785
6 years ago
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1 Franklin Sq Providence, RI 02903
Great Wednesday evening
Relatively busy, especially for a Wednesday evening.

Most of my time was spent with Jade (slightly chunky black girl) and Marina (slim, super fit…
avatar for alan785
6 years ago
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Cafe Cleopatra
1230 St Laurent Blvd Montreal, Quebec H2X 2S5, Canada
Went on an off-night, during spring break -- nevertheless had fun
Went on a Thursday night, which happened to be during spring break, so it was a little slow (club was relatively empty). Nevertheless, the…