
Comments by Nikkibshaw88

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    6 years ago
    Maryland heart with a NYC soul
    How to make my husband's experience great...
    "Gotta admit “Señor douche-nozzle” was well played." Thanks for being the inspiration flagooner. And thanks for the tip about getting anal fisted. I found out I can but a 55 gallon drum of lube on Amaz. That should be enough right? "I say troll. Hasn’t ever been to a strip club but is well versed in what goes on there and the lingo. That doesn’t just come from reading reviews." I have seen enough videos to have a pretty good idea of what goes on there and as far as the "lingo" , I learned most of it from the glossary on here. "On the chance you’re not a troll, go to some of the more mainstream couple friendly clubs in MD." The Eastern Shore has literally no clubs other than a few pastie joints in upper Delaware. I would definitely have to go to Bmore or DC for that. I'm for sure up for trying that but was just looking at NJ since we will be up there for a night. I've talked to someone on here who is suggesting I go to club XXXV or Visions. He is from NJ and knows the area well. I have done nothing more than just drive through Jersey so I'm grateful to get pointed in the right direction. "So, the OP jumped through the hoop to get verified, get temporary access to the VIP forum, and posted on a topic that isn't all that unusual or trollish. If this is a troll, then she sucks at trolling. Because typically people troll to be disruptive. This doesn't feel like that." I get why this could appear to be a troll. That was of the reasons I got verified. And no I totally dont want to be disruptive just like I don't want to be in the sc. I don't want to hang back and look like I'm not there for a good time but I also dont want to be like "Hey! Can my husband put his thumb up your butt while you blow him?" either. A lot of posts I read said you get a lot more by being respectful so I for sure want to be. Looks like I just need to be upfront.
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    6 years ago
    Maryland heart with a NYC soul
    How to make my husband's experience great...
    Theres a bitch in every bunch isnt there... I'm just like damn, tryna get some advice to show my husband a good time and Señor douche-nozzle just cant help himself. Oh well. I appreciate your kind words. Thank you
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Maryland heart with a NYC soul
    How to make my husband's experience great...
    Guess I should bring lots of lube than. Thanks for the advice sunshine!
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    6 years ago
    Maryland heart with a NYC soul
    How to make my husband's experience great...
    Is it really hard to believe that a wife wants to go a sc with her husband? And what exactly do you call a troll? Is that someone asking a fake question? Idk... Anyway, Im not sure which one yet. I have been looking around online at reviews. We will be in Red Bank so something near there hopefully.... Any suggestions?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Maryland heart with a NYC soul
    How to make my husband's experience great...
    I agree with you SanAntonio_LDK... I think that making it clear that I'm not there to babysit him is going to help a lot. I'm definitely hoping we can have a good time. But hey, we can always go again sometime.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Maryland heart with a NYC soul
    How to make my husband's experience great...
    Okay well I'll rephrase then.... he has not been to a sc THAT I AM AWARE OF. We got together when we were 19 and 20 so we didn't have much adult life before eachother. I wish he had been tbh. It would probably calm my nerves a bit. Not sure why I'm defending myself to you though? Thanks for your opinion
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Maryland heart with a NYC soul
    How to make my husband's experience great...
    Oh Lord, get a couple drinks in me and I just might day that