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Joined Dec, 2018
Last Seen Aug, 2022


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6 years ago
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The number game
Good lord, just got another one and I didn't even have to ask for it. One of the hottest gals I've ever had the…
avatar for edgewise
6 years ago
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What Does the Strip Club Offer You That The OTC World Doesn’t?
When I talk to a dancer, I don't come to realize later that they managed to get the answer to every single one of…
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6 years ago
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The number game
Five numbers in the last three years
Four numbers in the last six months
Two numbers in the last two weeks

I'm turning this franchise around!
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6 years ago
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Hwo do you distribute your P4P spend?
Currently at
1. 100%

Have done 2 - 6 and the inevitable 9 in the past
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6 years ago
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Florida girl
The same loons laughing "LOL he let a girl beat him up" if you don't fight back will screech "OMG HE HIT A WOMAN!…
avatar for edgewise
6 years ago
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Good place to come to see girls with no or
It seems that bias is lessening since we are seeing more and more tattoos in the club. More likely, there simply aren't enough young…
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6 years ago
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Recruitment of Dancers to TUSCL
All risk and little chance of a vague and generalized reward. I would advise against.
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6 years ago
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What is a fair OTC price anyways?
Missing from these calculations is the tip out for an hour of working at the club vs $0 tip out no matter how long…
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6 years ago
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Excellent day shift experience
azdd: Sammy came in after I got there, probably about 4 PM

Meat72: Maybe we will get to see more of Alexis with the employee…
avatar for edgewise
6 years ago
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Civvies are just getting uglier
FTS: Yes, and if you have been to Europe or Asia returning to the US seems like going to fat camp. Also I find…
avatar for edgewise
6 years ago
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Bourbon Street
2901 E Thomas Rd Phoenix, AZ 85008
Excellent day shift experience
I rarely go into Bourbon Street during the day shift. The last couple of times I tried it there didn't seem to be much…
avatar for edgewise
6 years ago
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Civvies are just getting uglier
Oops, meant to concurr, civvies are arguably fatter and uglier than ever. I blame The Thirst. I have always been picky, and that seems…
avatar for edgewise
6 years ago
avatar for edgewise
6 years ago
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How do dancers think of you...
Since I haven't seen this one yet: Future baby daddy
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