
Comments by Kirby06

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Insight on Her Intentions
    Papi, Thanks man, appreciate it. I just try to answer those who I felt contributed to let them know I took it to mind. Just like I did for yours. BTW, thanks for the note on the email notifications. Got spammed to bejesus and back. Is there a way to close the thread after you felt it's been answered?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Insight on Her Intentions
    Appreciate the comments again guys. Like I said, I really wasn't buying it from the get go. I was just enjoying the time with her. Just brought it up because that was the first time it happened. Thanks for the insight!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Insight on Her Intentions
    I have had my moments, Lone Wolf. Pulled a couple 8s in my eyes in civilian life. Perception is everyone's own. Appreciate the comment.
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    6 years ago
    Insight on Her Intentions
    Thanks for the comment, grand.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Insight on Her Intentions
    Ppwh, Thanks for the comment. Figured as much, just enjoying the ride. I told her what I would do in her place, but said it was ultimately her decision and left it at that.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Insight on Her Intentions
    Flagooner, Thanks for the comment man. I am usually open minded but never neglect common sense. Jared's? Nah, I would do a ringpop.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Insight on Her Intentions
    Saw your first comment Papi, Your wisdom is enlightening. I was just enjoying the ride. The whole purpose of the post was because this was the first stripper that did this with me. Way different from the other ones I talked with during my trips since I have it as a business and fun mindset. All the ones I talked to asked for business up front and hit me with the classic drug and child stories. This was the first one that hit me with some of those IOIs and it left me skeptical. Again, I am for fun. If she wants to talk and have fun, cool. If relationship, that's a whole different ball game to be exercised with extreme caution.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Insight on Her Intentions
    BN1ce, The ex is the big reason I am hesitant on the OTC. Tempting for sure, but ultimately not worth that shit. Assuming she is running the game with him and it turns into a mugging or something worse. Mental health is no fucking joke and I want no part of that.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Insight on Her Intentions
    Haha, story for kindle would be hilarious. Would help support SC profit. Joking aside, it's all a fantasy guys, I know. I am just enjoying the fun. Thanks again for the feedback and funny posts.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Insight on Her Intentions
    No offense taken. Like I said, I expected it. I was only asking for insight because I have seen similar posts like this with mixed IOIs, so I wanted clarification. Thanks for the input fellas.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Insight on Her Intentions
    GACA, I am going to be 26 in a couple weeks. She will be 27 in November
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Insight on Her Intentions
    To Cashman. As of now, business. Never tried the OTC offer because I was hesitant. I will take lotso's approach and see if she is down for interacting OTC. If not, I cut it off no harm no foul.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Insight on Her Intentions
    Thanks for the comments so far guys, appreciate it. Expected as much. To Cashman for your questions. 1.) No. No fucking. 2.) Didn't pay her anything since I never followed up on the OTC offer.