5 yrs ago•BEasy18reviewedCafe Cleopatra1230 St Laurent Blvd Montreal, Quebec H2X 2S5, Canada Geriatric Strip Club
5 yrs ago•BEasy18reviewedStudio d'Exhibition Pussy Corps263 Rue Sainte-Catherine E Montréal, QC H2X 1L4 CanadaCat House
5 yrs ago•BEasy18reviewedDallas Cabaret North11569 Harry Hines Blvd Dallas, TX 75229Smoke and Mirrors
6 yrs ago •BEasy18commented onSimply AmazingCorrect, they didnt scan IDs, they just looked at them. What place scans the IDs?
6 yrs ago •BEasy18commented onKansas City's BestThey are positioned high on the end walls of vip. I couldnt tell you if they were functional but they were definitley present.
6 yrs ago •BEasy18commented onKansas City's BestActually, nope. But thank you for thinking my writing is that professional.