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Joined Feb, 2018
Last Seen Jun, 2018


avatar for Road_Mark
7 years ago
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PaperMoon Springfield
6315 Amherst Ave Springfield, VA 22150
Still Expensive, but friendly
I wandered in on a Friday evening to see if things had changed. The cover was still $15, the layout was the same,…
avatar for Road_Mark
7 years ago
commented on
Finally Returned
Spot on description of Russia, who I tried to catch up with later in the evening, but she remained busy elsewhere. Another stunner…
avatar for Road_Mark
7 years ago
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There Are Diamonds Among The Straw
Correction due to a likely bad memory - was there this week, and can confirm $51 twofer, but the valet may have ripped me…
avatar for Road_Mark
7 years ago
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Déjà Vu Showgirls
15024 Tukwila International Blvd, Seattle, WA 98188, USA*
Slim Pickings, But Some Talent
I arrived around 8:30 pm, and it was slow for a while. I had to wait through a series of so-so dancers to…
avatar for Road_Mark
7 years ago
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Bare Elegance
4824 W Imperial Hwy Inglewood, CA 90304
There Are Diamonds Among The Straw
First impressions are not good. $10 valet parking, then $10 more to get in the door, and $10 more to get a bad…