
Comments by Jacob67

  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Too many girls over 30
    I don't know I see a lot of younger girls doing Botox and looking like they're in their 30s and older women that look ten years younger. Its not about what you like, it's about what business they bring to the club. If they have guys that come to see them repeatedly then they're good for the business. My ATF is a blonde South American in her 30s and she can outdo any 20 year old in looks and personality. Just saying.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Keeping a low profile
    First Time In Canada
    This was my first club in Canada too. It's pricy but you get what you pay for
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Too many girls over 30
    They have a good mix of young and old. But even if they're over 30 they still look great and take care of themselves. Management keeps them around cause they have regular clients which is good for business. You have to see things through management perspective. Not every guy wants a 20 year old. Plus I would bet you're not exactly brad Pitt yourself.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Unremarkable, but not bad
    The girls are always hot here. I don't understand the hate. brass rail is the busiest club in the country and I've been to all of them.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    They seem content just spinning their wheels...
    I've been going for years now and I always happen to see new faces. There are a few regular ones that stick there cause they have regular clients come and see them. It's good business all around. From what I experienced, they all look good whether young or old. Keeping in mind brass has a strict image criteria. They won't let you get robbed at brass which I why I always return.