Joined Nov, 2017
Last Seen Jun, 2023

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Funny stripper lines (non-pickup)Hilarious (but endearingly cute) dancer: "I bought this Rolex, but the battery was dead. I put it on anyway and it started to…

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Transitioning from cousin to cousin...?I've been to one club where 3 sisters worked, for awhile all 3 at the same time. I had VIP's, etc, etc! with…

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Gone DownhillI thought I saw Suki on the SR roster list a couple of times recently, so perhaps she is testing the waters back at…

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Hoping ClubI got a lap dance from Suki mid-year, but she said at the time it was her first in "months". A few months…


2528 Rosecrans Ave
Gardena, CA 90249Starz is generally regarded as the best strip in the LA area to see black girls, and I would generally agree this is true.…