
Comments by UndercoverVice

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    "You're the only one I do this with"
    I think it depends on how well you know her, how long you've known her, and how well you can read body language and micro-expressions; if you know her "tells." My ATF will only do extras with guys she likes and trusts - long-term regulars. She had a few others she did everything with 3-4 years ago, but one by one they dropped off - moved away, retired, switched to other girls not depressed/drunk/stoned all the time ... and it is obvious her earnings have declined significantly. So in my case, it's "you're the only one left I do this with." One day she freaked out because I left the VIP with my shoe laces untied (we got an alert that Vice was in the area and prepping to raid, so it was a quick exit) and she was worried the Bird Dogs would infer that this "no extras" girl was lying. Another day she freaked out because I paid for our dances at end of shift when she was paying her tip out - "I didn't want him to see that you gave me so much money." It was 3 bucks. Could I be a dead wrong PL? Sure. But I don't think so.