
Comments by TommyDLite

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    7 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Backpage: War on Black Men
    This is the most entertaining posts I ever read in my life. I am a AA, educated a Army veteran and own my own photography business. In the Army and in my business I was bless to travel all over the world. I can say our country is the only one where we screen based only on the color of the persons skin , but putting that aside. I was reading a study about all things porn...one of the things that jumped out to me 85% of all "kinky" type porn I.e. (Rape,rough,ass play, bondage etc.) are made by whites. 80% of all porn made is produced by whites. So also in this study it asked 450,000 men have they ever been with a hooker. 90% said yes and 95% of them said it had to do with the porn they were watching. To say or suggest that only "black" men are rough and dangerous or ask to do crazy stuff with the girls just don't seem to match the science. Then we have people saying the only know black pimps and I can agree with there are many "street" pimps and because you don't see many whites is because they go larger they are the sex traffickers the very page we are talking about backpage is owned by a group of white men. Women been raped and killed and robbed by men of all races thanks to this "white" owned site. Sex trafficking is dangerous for young women all over the world... young underage women are disappearing being used as sex slaves and we talking about a few black pimps when the whole sex industry is owned and operated by whites. Lastly I one time last year was I a city where I wanted some company I call a ad and the young lady asked what color I was I said black she then said I don't see black men. I was a bit taken back I asked her why...she said when I got into the game I was told not to deal with AA men because there cheap, mostly pimps, rough etc. I asked her do you know any black people she said yes I said and was they a pimp, thug a gang banger etc. she said no. Then I told her you should have your own process to accept men and not blindly follow other people's opinions. It's clear some of these women have real concerns I would tell those women if your ad is on a trash site like back page you will most likely find Trash Men of all races. I deal with only upscale women and because of the type of money they put into there sites and personal protection they see men of all races with little to know problems. Let's be clear you don't have a AA problem you have a You problem your in business and the product is you and your body. You want to make money but you excluded over a 3rd of your possible money because you took a group and put it in one basket. I also was told some say they don't see AA but will see them if they pay more.. this was very eye opening because it seems everyone really have no real concrete reason why they don't see AA I seen dozens of reason and most of them start out with "I heard" these are low scale women that don't seem to want to make money and "made up" this lies about AA men and no one can back it up with facts.