
Comments by tricksrforkids

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Backpage: War on Black Men
    I meant to circle back to the all Africans comment, which might have seemed odd, but... the culture in most of the African nations is one of extreme sexism and machismo. Added to that, many African national males are more like peacocks and dont really work. This is part of their culture, perhaps a relic of colonialism, I am not sure. But they are skechy and aggressive and don't have money or are super cheap, in my experience. They certainly have earned a reputation for it, both here and abroad. I think of myself as deserving of a gentleman and won't tolerate any other sort of treatment, so they don't get past my screening. Usually it all ends when I ask what they do for a living and they get pissed off...hey, due, I get it, you like to hang out in the cafe all day with your buddies, smoking and playing backgammon, while your wife does all the slaving, or you have some part time work that is extremely low pay because you consider yourself too good for labour so no one wants to hire you, well...notes Bueno, game over, my friend.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Backpage: War on Black Men
    As a provider, I screen and haven't needed a hard and fast No AA rule...but here's the thing: First it isn't just African Americans, it's Africans in general, who are major problems. I am always keen to meet execptions, and when I do, they are lovely people, but they are far in the minority (no pun intended). Sadly about 80% of the black folks who contact me are either impoverished, unable to speak proper English, come off as very sketchy or are simply nasty over the phone. This percentage changes dramatically with the older the caller is. If they are in their 50's, they are usually fine, unless they are not fully employed, in which case,they simply can't afford it. If it is a student, I will ask where they attend and what is their GPA. Eight times out of ten it is actually a trade school (like they are too stupid or dishonest to tell the difference) and most of those times they have failed out and aren't working, or it is for their family and when questioned further, they sound utterly unreliable and sketchy. In the rare instances where they are really enrolled in University, their GPA is always nearly failing. Sorry, sketch-boy, no es Bueno, ya dig? Ditto for people who claim to be in education or psychology and are working in after school programs, recreational departments and halfway houses. Translation: I have no money, no education, no goals and I didn't have what it takes to be thug, so I am limping along, pretending to work. No es Bueno. I have been stabbed, robbed, kidnapped, raped and verbally abused thankfully only a handful of times, but it was always black guys. 70% of all violent crime is committed by 3.3% of the population in America. That's right, black males under 40. These are National Crime Statistics extrapolated by FBI findings (they put the figure at the 14% of the population who are black, but my figure is adjusted to exclude women and men over 40.) I am afraid with real world empirical evidence and crime stats like these, it is simple logic if women won't see any black guys. To put it mildly, you've worn out your welcome. Stop pointing fingers, stop breeding indiscriminately, marry the women who father your children and raise them to be civilized, and we'll talk. I'm out.