
Comments by SadSak

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    7 years ago
    First ATF Confusion
    Thanks again! I went out last night to other club but was kind of dead. My ATF is traveling at the moment so I returned to that club and got dances with a couple of other faves including the ones that are her friends and had a nice time and left it at that. Baby steps lol! Figured I would use this time to simmer down a bit lol! Papi, I think you're onto something on the age issue as well. Since I have been newly single most girls I have met including dancers and civilians have been on the younger side. After my breakup, financially I am definitely not at Sugar Daddy status so it's been interesting to see the dynamic with young girls, plus I have been out of the game for nearly a decade lol. I have noticed that even with younger girls that are into me whether dancers or civilians, it's like what they feel is more of a crush whereas the stakes are generally higher on my side because I have had the life experience of actually falling in love, etc. Bottomline, now that I'm back in the singles game, whether it's the ATF, other dancers, or even dating civilians, I can't get caught up in having my world revolve around one girl. I need to enjoy my freedom and actually enjoy some peace for a while. I had a funny convo last night with stripper at the first club. She's not one of the faves but we chat sometimes and I tip her on stage, etc. So she comes over and says hello and then says: "I noticed you been around a lot more lately. Are you going through something and what are you looking for here?" Lol, gotta appreciate a girl who gets to the point lol! I replied: "I was just asking myself the same thing" lol. Truth is I had been going to this club a bit more lately trying to distance myself from ATF and that club some, and also to scope out new prospects in this location. But anyway I just told her I was bored lately so I been going out more. She then says: "Well you ain't gonna find nothing but trouble around here. All these girls got baggage" lol! She continues: "But if you're bored, grab one of these crazies and try to have them in your life and you will never be bored another day in your life trying to deal with all their problems." We both laughed and I told her she had a good point. I finished my drink, we said our goodbyes, she went to make her rounds and that was that. Short but sweet, straight-shooter lol. Between the forum here yesterday and the convo with her last night, I got a nice reality check, kick in the pants, and some perspective. So I mean it when I say thanks again!
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    7 years ago
    First ATF Confusion
    Haha thanks Papi. And ppwh I think you're right about announcing/ultimatum point. Actions speak louder than words! On broader level I think what happens to us PL's fresh out of LTR's is that what happens at first in SC's is like a breath of fresh air. Very clear cut instant gratification without all the headaches of trying woo a civilian or watching the flame die in a LTR. But maybe deep down we still want the stability and security of LTR with civilian, but maybe there is no real stability to be had with many women period civilian, dancer, or otherwise etc. I mean I love women but there seems to always be games and chaos either way lol! Maybe it's just too many different power struggles and agendas with love, sex, and money all on the table at the same time. Whether it's the mortgage or paying for VIP time, hooking up, or even real love, there are bound to be some bumps in the road and someone's feelings getting hurt. Anyway probably still overthinking it . . . phew . . . I need to go see some boobies lol!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    First ATF Confusion
    Thanks so much everyone for being a good sounding board. I appreciate everyone keeping it 100% with me.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    First ATF Confusion
    So it seems the consensus is the old saying "can't make a ho a housewife" lol. Lol on green card wedding too. So I have made sure to have a handful of mid-level faves in the same club and go to 3 other clubs periodically and have a couple of mid-level faves with decent rapport at each of those. So general T-n-A supply is cool but was debating about how to handle ATF. 2 of the 5 mid-level faves at the same club are her friends. So I didn't want to come off too petty by focusing on them like I was trying for a jealousy game. Also debating between just ghosting on her and that whole club or announcing my decision to her?