
Comments by Micmic

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Backpage: War on Black Men
    @rickthevulture. You realize planet of the apes was made by the maker of the twilight zone, and he was anti racist. And that movie was speaking against white racism dont you?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Backpage: War on Black Men
    There was a comment about hookers avoiding blacks due to the potential for them being pimps and stealing girls. This implies that the hooker world has few whites behind it. That would be crazy to think. As the comments from you racist here are stating, blacks make up a small percentage of humans, yet hookers are all over the country, and yes they are taken from spot to spot, but you really think the industry is mostly run by blacks and can yet stay underground as well as in the open like stripper places owned by whites? Secondly, the no blacks thing is seen in sites since the party line years. The idea of blacks doing all the crime and you base that of TV shows how much of an idiot you are to TV. TV is white, looking to market to white advertising dollars. They are clickbait. So they run stories you racist whites and now Hispanics will want to tune in and shake your racist heads at. They will not show whites doing bad in your own area, for that would create a feeling of distrust and whites would leave areas and hurt home values and everything else. For example, Orlando Florida will not often post ANY violent crime that happens in or outside Disney, kissimmee area. If there were people being targeted that were tourists, the local TV news will certainly not run very many stories of that. Robbery is news right? Do you know how often a pizza guy is robbed? But running those stories would hurt an industry. In contrast, the cab guys and the Union in Union stronghold States have many, uber driver robbed, stories for they want to hurt the brand. TV is marketing for demographics and so does radio and movies. Did you know that because the movie industry now looks to gain greater Asian audiences they will no longer depict Asians that die early in movies or are the main bad guy of a movie? This showed how they must have felt about black dollars for generations for BLACKS openly joke about how they die first in movies or die just after saving the white male and female, sacrificing themselves to do so. You men are bigots. If you feel you're not, I want you to look around and see who the white bigots are and what type of moves against blacks might such a man do. Then ask yourself would you align yourself with those same moves or views. Would a racist feel the blacks are doing all the crime, even if they are seeing giant prisons with far more whites than blacks..yet not reason where those whites were living when they got arrested? Would a white racist have black friends? Likely yes. Would they pick up a black hooker? Absolutely! The hated group is always fucked. She you white people wanted to hate Muslims, porn started ramping up the Muslim assult videos. It's about dominance. In slavery white men did black women AND had favored black male slaves they liked...however, if a former black slave were to be running for office do you think the same white man would vote for him to be his leader? No! So.. Were you calling Obama the worst president ever, and felt bush and even Trump is better? If the Klan had to pick, would they have enforced Obama? Only one poster told the truth. He said you white assholes are lowering the property values of one another if you went black. That is just as your people do in neighborhoods regardless of the behaviors of the blacks in your area or income. You will have your white taxman lower values! Even in porn we see your people's typical hatred of all other blacks. When a black man is with a white, it's daddy's worst nightmare..or the white woman is being "seeded."As if they are beasts seeding a human? Here's the thing..?we can be killed unarmed and you assholes will come up with an excuse. It could be a civilian like Zimmerman and you come up with an excuse. We could clearly be defending ourselves nbut unable to use stand your ground laws like you can. You come up with excuses why the cops are always mostly white when shooting the black and excuse away the lack of black cops shooting white unarmed people. You excuse away why you are the hiring agents in mostnjobs and when you are, few blacks are hired such as in fire departments across the country. You excuse away why black areas suddenly claim to have no money for liberal arts programs in schools regardless of the income of blacks in areas. You excuse away " I'm an cheap hooker but I still hate blacks" comments all over the net. You excuse away the Obama lynching images and dummies we saw for 8 years as free speech, but call the headless Trump "an outrage" Your white cops will openly show who they are on Facebook sex groups that are white..but make fake accounts to arrest the slightest infraction making person where black people are. You see your race feels your shit doesn't stink. This is why you can call your war efforts in other lands,fighting for freedom, and not occupying other people's land. This will s why you feel you have the right to tell other countries if they can have a nuke or not yet YOU are the only ones to ever use one! You people are vile. And if f we are going to call a people aggressive, how the hell aren't YOU King of it?!