
Comments by slarty

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Looking for UK clubs that have amateur or audition nights
    "I can't help ya, bro -- I'm based somewhere in the Midwest of America -- but I am curious about your TUSCL name. Is "slarty" a portmanteau word (like, for example, "chortle" in Lewis Carroll's poem "Jabberwocky")? It sounds like a cross between "slutty" and "arty", like the fine arts major who grinded me to ecstasy recently! OTOH, it could be a cross between "slick" and "farty", in which case I would just as soon pass on the lap dance :) Just yanking your chain, man." LOL! :O) No - I was looking for a suitable handel and being an old git thought this was appropriate in a crazy sort of way: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slartibartfast But I couldn't be arsed with the full thing so I shortened it. BTW I don't do the planet design bit.. Shame that you guys are too far away for beer and boobs evening.