Joined May, 2017
Last Seen Nov, 2017


Johnny A's Hitching Post
95 Barclay St
Paterson, NJ 07503Arrived late in the evening on a Thursday. Had plenty of girls which surprised me. From clubs I’ve been to it’s usually a hit…


Ragtime Gentlemen's Club
821 McBride Ave
Woodland Park, NJ 07424
Walked in on a Wed evening. You would easily miss the place if youweren’t using the GPS. Looked like a house and got ample…

Playhouse Lounge
1205 US Route 130 N
Burlington, NJ 08016 This was my first time at Playhouse. Went in on a Tuesday night at 10, was surprised to see it a bit deserted with…


The Go-Go Rama
Hwy 35 & Laurence Pkwy
Laurence Harbor, NJ 08879Went in to check out the place for the second time. Tuesday evening around 8. Wasn't impressed with Deliah's Den near so hit this…