Hey guys I'm glad to join your club! can't say I'm so big on strip clubs in general but I had such a great time in HH that I will be back. Nope I'm not some kind of shill for the club. And I am very aware that it would be very possible for someone (eg me) to come there on a slow day and get no dances and no fun. But that was not me, this time. Suggs had something to do with this -- it was his idea I come along, and he figured out rather well what dancers I might like. As an aside -- I'm rather sceptical that club managers might routinely get people to write fake reviews. And if they do -- the reviews would be so poorly written and un-subtle that they would scream "fake! fake!". Lots of positive reviews, like mine, are just that: just, positive. I had a good time. Others might too.
Comments made by Prrr745