
Comments by MortyJ

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Backpage: War on Black Men
    I had to get an account here, just to put my two cents in. I'm Black and Black Men need to know that it's not Racism!! It's the way a lot of us carry ourselves... I was upset after seeing a lot of these Posts on "No AA Men" or "No Black Men" Ive come to realize that it's the way we want to be perceived...Thugs, Hardcore, Gangster, Tough, Take no Sh#@ and I'm Gonna Get Mine Attitude and this is the way we are perceived...Dangerous...We can't even have an awards show without a fight breaking out or a party without someone getting shot. etc etc etc. Last night as of this posting 3/11/16... I was looking for a little action, so I'm cruising the sites and I see a woman I know (White) She used to swing with her boyfriend (White Also) She loved men, but Mostly Black men.... She does Anal, Swallows, Dp etc. She is an escort now as she has no other means of support (Husband killed) In her ad she had her details with (NO AA MEN) she has no Pimp, as all of her money goes to help take care of her children. Black Men are trouble makers when it comes to business. Ive met Black Escorts who have told me the same thing. "The Brother's Don't Wanna Pay or only wanna pay next to nothing or you get robbed." I sound "White"on the phone, so that may have gotten me in(No pun intended) a few times, when they showed up and I live in a nice neighborhood, so I'm sure that helped in them staying. (And I tip) I know another White woman her and her husband(White Too) swing. She loves Trump,NASCAR and is a hardcore Republican, but she loves F****ng Black Men while her husband films...It's not about Race, it's the way we as black's carry ourselves in this Country. I know Asians, Indian's (India) Russian's who have faced discrimination, but they move on as a people to get better, so their kids will have a better life. Blacks?, We wallow in Stupidity, with, The World Owes me Something Attitude. If you check sometimes too, the ads will say "NO AA or Black Men under 35-40." So with that you know it's a lot of the younger ones with that Snoop, Dre, Iceberg Slim attitude that screws it up for us older guys (I'm 49) Look at how the Police are on trial for defending themselves against blacks in the commission of committing a crime. Now some of the cops in these cities are ignoring parts of certain cities....What happens? 3-4 or more murders every night. (Not saying there aren't some bad cops) If you're committing a crime and you get shot, F*** YOU!! So with these girls, sometimes its preference, but in most cases, they want to get paid what they ask, without getting robbed, beaten or both. It's a safety issue and the only race issue is the way we as Black Men carry ourselves.