Joined Feb, 2016
Last Seen Dec, 2016


Pleasure Dome
101 Ice Lake Rd
White Haven, PA 18661I went back to this club on Friday night and it was so different. The vibe was low and there was only one bachelor…


The Bunny Club
1615 N Salina St
Syracuse, NY 13208I went here on a Saturday night. I thought it would be packed, but it was not. It was unusually low in volume and…


Paradise Found
134 Headson Dr
Syracuse, NY 13214After trying to visit Player's Club earlier on Saturday night, I decided to switch over the Paradise Found. I got the bronze package which…


Tzer's Gentlemens Club
584 Upper Ct St, Binghamton, NY 13904, USAThe club is on the end of a small mall. On one side there is Madame Oar's and then the other side is Tzer's.…


Grandview Gentlemen's Club
242 Drinker Turnpike
Covington Township, PA 18424I entered this club hoping for a wonderful time as I rarely go to these type of clubs. I saw how this offered a…