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Comments by tryinagain2

review comment
8 years ago
avatar for Mrwantsitall
A good time had by all
IDK that he's wrong, personally. Like you, I've been there many times, had $30 dances and many VIP's from a long list of girls. What strikes me as coming across as an ad written by an owner or manager is the generous rating on girls and "if you like big women your ranking" will be higher, etc. And that all of the encouragement seems to be to visit on days they likely need more patrons. Day shift, Monday & Tuesdays, promoting the food, have a good attitude suggestion, etc., and while stating the obvious, that extras are available in the VIP room, no real details are given that would encourage any vice to pop in. Scrub and I could be wrong, but yeah. It comes across as an ad to me as well.
review comment
8 years ago
avatar for tryinagain2
One I avoided turned out to play
Small town cheerleader, lol. Perfect. But about 15 years ago. ;-)
review comment
8 years ago
avatar for Deliveryman61
Not in my experience. I won't say more, so decide your own level of acceptable risk.
review comment
8 years ago
avatar for Deliveryman61
I disagree w/ MrDeuce about Lindsey. The info comes pretty reputably, and it's not a simple STD, but HIV that it's said she is carrying. Based on the seriousness of that alone, and how pushy she is besides (what one may call "success"), I wouldn't recommend taking any chances.
review comment
8 years ago
avatar for JustLookingAgain
Club Rio - Indianapolis
I'd avoid Lindsey. Some reputable rumors are that you will take more away from that encounter than modern medicine can cure.
review comment
9 years ago
avatar for unicovp
Fun Afternoon
One of the brunettes was Jade. Her boobs were man made, but still spectacular. Fun in the VIP, nice to talk to, but not overly wild. She said she only works a couple of times a month.