
Comments by JohnNheidi

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    9 years ago
    Dancers on drugs
    OK first of all... Haven't checked this in a while. . just seen sum real fucking ignorant comments. You can say I'm a rat. I Dont give a fuk the bitch is nasty. She's a tricking prostitute. This isn't being a rat its putting a slut in blast so maybe she will get pissed and confront me. So far she's been a scared bitch. Second....I do know a lot bout drugs and addiction. Iam a reviving addict. Not that it is any ones business. I would never resort to suckibg and fucking to get anything not even in active addiction. As far as getting rid of the competition. .trust me this bitch is not any kind of competition. My man is completely satisfied. In every way. Especially sexually. If he wasn't I'm sure instead of sending the trick on her way and telling me he would have given the bitch a sub and disrespect her by cumming all over her face . so seeing as he is completely sexually satisfied he sent her dope sick crying To suck his dick for drugs. On her way. Where she sat outside in the curb waiting for the next man. He had a perfect opportunity to fuck her get his dick sucked and me never finding out. But I have a faithful honest man that dosent need to get pussy else where because he is very satisfied with my lips . both sets . you ask if she's hot. I can honestly say yes. I proubly would have done her myself at one point. Being hot. Pretty . dosent make u a good person. She's a trick who knows what the bitch has. She will fuk and suck any mans dick for adderal suboxone. Do what u want with this men. Her name is Cassie...but once u take a sexually transmitted disease home to your wife or girlfriend make sure u remember my post. .oh and getting your dick sucked thinking u don't catch anything. Well herpies .warts and a couple other STDs are very contagious even when the trick isn't having an out break. Hope I answerd all the ignorant comments. There is no shame in my game.
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    9 years ago
    Dancers on drugs
    I personally don't care if you do anything...u could let her suck your dick or eat your pussy what ever u are....but I'm letting everyone know she's a trick...so feed her crack..suboxone..heroin...adderal...I'm sure u could cum all over her face ...but she tried to trick with the wrong Man....I'm sure this establishment dosent condone the use of drugs...if they did they would proubly feed her a line or two before she got on stage ..they would proubly get more business....if they did condone it maybe she wouldn't be out selling her ass for a suboxone....
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Dancers on drugs
    Thank you ...I do appreciate it.... No the problem isn't with my boyfriend...we both met her while she was supposedly dating this other guy..I actually thought she was a decent person...then I found out she was doing drugs and tricking...my boyfriend actually told me what she did when she did it....he kicked her out if his house... No the problem is her...she is using drugs and thinks that because she is a stripper she can seduce men for drugs....this didn't hapen with my boyfriend...he told her to get the fuck out of his house...she started throwing a fit and crying....yes he should have never allowed her in his house to begin with but she knew exactly what she was doing....nasty tricks will do anything to get high....she needs drug treatment.. She was in one but dropped out...she was on the suboxone program...but she found it easier to suck and fuk for them instead of attending treatment