avatar for CTElectricLand


joined Jul 2015last seen Feb 2025

Comments made by CTElectricLand

discussion comment
9 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Ass to mouth
Reminds me of Clerks 2 Randal Graves: Seventeen year olds nowadays are crazy. They're up for anything. They even like it when you go ass to mouth. Dante Hicks: Oh, my God. Randal Graves: What? Dante Hicks: Are you serious? Randal Graves: I don't fuck around when it comes to ass to mouth. Dante Hicks: You never go ass to mouth! Randal Graves: It's never my idea! That said, as the movie goes on to detail, in the heat of the moment things slip. Sometimes you'll be cool with it, sometimes you won't. Personally, I was fine at the time but as time has gone on I've realized... what the fuck was I thinking? Oh wait, not enough blood for two heads.
review comment
7 years ago
avatar for CTElectricLand
Hot And Cold And Pet Peeves
Heh. To be honest, the draft price of the domestic is probably below what you'll pay almost anywhere outside of happy hour. That and I seem to have a knack for getting good service from bartenders (some friends are bartenders themselves, so I've picked up a few habits; I might not be her fav't or a regular, but I get a smile and good service). As for fav'ts, we probably do. I need to find a way to remember faces and names better
review comment
9 years ago
avatar for elsyan
Visit to the Blue
Prop for review by desertscrub calls out review as an advertisement (notes single review even though this person has reviewed before, also fails to note that the review is far from recommending the place...)
article comment
9 years ago
avatar for vajmon
Love Canal
Strip Clubs and ID Scanning
While it sucks, there are legitimate reasons for scanning ID. Number one is compliance; clubs, any kind, live and die by their liquor licenses and enforcement agencies know this. The number one rule of survival for any business is to cover it's ass, even it means taking pictures of yours. If they check 100% of ID's, can show that they do (on tape and with that scan record) no one can accuse them of being lax. If they track your alcohol consumption and record it, when you go and wrap your car around the pole down the street they at least have grounds to say "we didn't serve him too much." It's all about covering their asses in that respect. It also allows them to identify potential "problems" such as Grabby McDrinks claiming no he didn't have 3 appletini's at Deluxe Cleavage so he's disputing the charge.... wait, they have tape and records that clearly show him doing just that.... whoops. That all being said, there are nefarious reasons to do it as well but nowhere near as evil as some think (well, there's always that one bad apple but that's true anywhere... make a system where some people have access to valuable goods/information and eventually someone gets greedy or righteous). Tracking customers, seeing when they visit, what they tend to spend and on what, etc. Almost the same thing your supermarket rewards card does and if your strip club scanning your ID gets you fired up you should never use a rewards card again (what you buy/eat, when, how much... meta data supermarket chains use to profile you and your family so they can sell you more... your local Stop'n'Shop probably knows more about you than your doctor and spouse do). The sky isn't falling and big brother doesn't care that much about you I'm sorry to say. Can I prove it? Nope. That said strip clubs are just slowly catching up with the same thing supermarkets and department stores have been doing for decades; keeping better records to cover their asses and sell more asses.