
Comments by Snakeyes11

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Does she really like me or is gaming me?
    I did go back and did not spend any money on dances one night. As I have stated we talked through Snapchat, I believe it was a Sunday or a Friday I went down to the club to see her, She tells me what days she'll be there besides Thursdays. We just sat and talked all night, she ordered some soup and I said I'd order one too to try it since she told me about it. I have since sealed the deal, we were talking once while in the dance room and she told me "My friend rented a hotel for the night." I forgot why she did. I told her, "Do you want some company and want me to join you?" She told me it was up to her friend. Well once we got back to the table I said "How do you expect me to get a hold of you an figure out how if I can visit you at the hotel, I need your phone number, will you give that to me?" She smiled and nodded. Well that night, I told her "If you need a ride home in case your friend bails on you and doesn't answer her phone let me know." So at this point it was 5AM... I left the club and drove my friend home. Before I left she told me she'd reach out to me asking for a ride. She had mentioned about OTC and I told her I agreed on hanging out outside the club. I thought she was full of it and gave me a fake number, so I dropped off my friend and I told him I had to get back to the club. She told me "pretend your my uber driver and come get me." Seeing as I do Uber on the side it was a flawless plan. I thought well I was just here like an hour maybe hour and a half ago they are going to know my plate number. Well she told me "When you get here pull to the left side of the building." Now I usually always let the vallet people park my car so I never noticed the alley on the side of the building. So I get there and I see the alley, I didn't know where to park since they were pretty much closed up and getting all the employees and dancers out of there. I left the parking lot and made a u turn. She then called me and said "Go back to the alley just go farther in by the exit on the side, just keep your head down so they don't know it's you." She told the vallet people she was waiting for a black car for her Uber. She gets in the back of my car and waits until we get out of site from the club and to the intersection, to hop up front. I get on the interstate and she navigates me to her place. Which turned out to only be about 20-25 minutes from my place. We talked the whole way home. I told her about how I told some of my friends about her and how they all think she is playing me. She told me "Well they've never met me I am not a typical stripper who wants to screw every guy I meet, it's not all about sex with me." Now to see if she'll follow through on OTC. We were suppose to do something on Friday but she woke up late. I will keep pressing it and see what happens.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Does she really like me or is gaming me?
    I've been going to SCs on and off for a few years now. I understand they play mind games with us and are all about the hustle. To clarify, she "the second girl" even asked If I had Instagram and she'd add me later. I know it's all mind games... I felt everyone was missing the point. I appreciate everyone responding honestly, I was looking for feedback. I got lucky once and took a dancer home after her shift, that is as far as I've ever gotten in the SC world.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Does she really like me or is gaming me?
    No I get what you are all saying plain and simple.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Does she really like me or is gaming me?
    You guys seem to missing the point. The first girl was not the one who gave me her Snapchat, the second one was.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Does she really like me or is gaming me?
    That was a different dancer. The one that added me on Snapchat is the one I'm referring to. She asked if I wanted more dance the one I'm talking about and I agreed. The other one that approached me first never bothered me again. Sorry thought I made that clear. But I did agree to more dances from the one that I am referring to.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Does she really like me or is gaming me?
    I am thinking of going back on Thursday or Friday. Friday would be 30 dollars a dance as opposed to ten dollar dances on Thursday. If I go back and I don't see why not, I even talked to the GM for a few minutes on Thursday about the club and we small talked. Not that it matters, but going back and removing the money from the equation and seeing what happens if I just sit there with her and talk to her. No dances, maybe a drink or two for me. No VIP room, nothing.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Does she really like me or is gaming me?
    She said she was new to the club her first or second day... I don't remember exactly. She said "Im new here and really want to make some good money, would you like to go for a dance?" She then said "I would like 5 dances, we can 3 now and 2 later or 2-2-1 whatever you want." I just agreed to doing 5 in a row to get it out of the way. She danced for maybe two or 3 songs and then just sat on my lap and talked to me. She told me she'd hoped to see me again and wants to "network" I told her she wouldn't remember me. I paid her and did not tip her at all and went back to my table. End of story on that one.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Does she really like me or is gaming me?
    I forgot to mention that I did at one point have snapchat prior to entering this club. That was probably a year or so ago. I deleted it since I never found a need for it. Not that that makes any difference.