
Comments by BillsNation

  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Everything for Everyone, But Hit or Miss
    Yes, to both of you. I even heard her introduce herself to a pair of morons next to me who were simply obnoxious to every girl around them. She repeated it multiple times too, which definitely caught my attention. She went to VIP after 1 song for what that's worth as well. I've been to HL for over 4 years multiple times a year, and Butterfly is as known and recognizable as they come guys. It was her. 3:30, Friday afternoon, December 21st, the year 2018.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    I was there once for RR. Kind of the usual feature dancer show, she does 3 sets throughout the night. Nothing extreme, good costume style dances that are actually stage dances. When you get close you can see the mileage on that bod though, phew! She did not come out except for her dances (I was there for 2 sets, one at 8? and one at 10 for sure). Gave away a few signed posters and a set of her underwear (ew?). Not a great "dance" on the stage, more just her showing her manmades and getting singles from stage seaters. Kinda interrupts the flow of the club for a good 5-10 minutes it felt like. All the dancers sort of sit with whoever they're doing dances with and watch. My dancer was interested so we had a convo about her porn performances and what she's like in the room. Apparently she's nice in the dressing room, even gives out BangBros contact info to any girls interested.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Afternoon Stop In
    Hey dave, me too! Always head across the boarder when Im home in Buffalo. Last few visits havr been hit or miss for sure there.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Another Chapter Of
    Agreed on Ariel. Had me thinking of Django, where LDCs character said something like "You had my curiosity, now you have my attention". When she brings those heels down it sounds like she's gonna break the stage. But it must be working since she's getting stage $. Ive been back twice since the raid, both on Wednesdays and it's been more subdued but better than right after the raid for sure. Your news on the manager leaving could be the start of something. I'll be sure to chat up the few bouncers I know there to see whats up. The two I talk with have never had a problem with the old HL ways.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    No Summer Slump This Time
    Ha the butterfly comment, nice. It's interesting to see how some of the girls treat her when she's such an in demand product. Jade didn't talk on the floor just a good LD was enough to get to VIP
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Ups and Downs on a hot Tuesday
    Uh, if you actually read my review with half a brain, you'd figure out that my job is NOT a high paying career, thanks to the great state of AZ. So again, lol yourself. Not sorry that I dress well for my job and then enjoy myself.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Ups and Downs on a hot Tuesday
    Yea, I made an alias account, with loads of review. Lol yourself
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Dealer's Choice
    Hey guys, thanks for the props. Yes Meat, I'd think we would have to exchange numbers and put together some sort of cover for sure to give the dancers. Dave, I think I've read your reviews as that group, you guys seem like you have a good time. I've only ever done HL around the valley, but have always been curious of Bourbon just for the looks. Some day, some day.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    SE Asia For Once
    I've never looked at it that way! Good point man, and oh don't worry, I'm saving that stipend at the end of the school year in May year for a good time on the last day of the school year this year. Being a teacher and going to school as a grad student, I need these days of visual relaxation!
  • review comment
    10 years ago
    This is still by far my...
    Great review. Gives you everything you'd wanna know before going for the first time