Comments by Mandy69
review comment
a year ago
New Jersey
I’ve been there before… awhile back. New owner? I thought it was some old guy from Hawthorne?. Stopped by, now actually has towels in men’s room!! Who hooo. Lol. Who’s the owners wife? The thick brazilian or the skinny older broad? Either way when I get a chance I stop in. Beers have been ice cold on theses hot days!
review comment
3 years ago
New Jersey
From your review you should visit Jiggles in Hawthorne.
review comment
3 years ago
I understood you brother… seems like a cool joint. jiggles in Hawthorne is better to me. Way more layer back and easier to navigate through girls and entertainment. Just keep you reviews coming.. maybe fifth ave or ragtime next week.
review comment
4 years ago
New Jersey
Heard there’s a new owner there. Cleaning the place and adding some cool stuff. More TVs’ redoing the pool table, and even drink specials. I was there the other nite. Met him having a smoke outside. Might even put in one of those new lottery “kiosks” multiple game machines….. I’ll be back to check out how it is…. Also saw some new talent… 😉👍
review comment
6 years ago
New York
Hey Monte... seems you’ve been to jiggles a few times. I’ve been a few times also , but don’t see the dancers as the greatest. But the bartender is cool.. you seem to know her?? Maybe we could meet there one nite and you could help and put a good word in for me? We’ll have a few beers or drinks on me. Seems wierd but my friends don’t like going there, and I don’t like going there alone. Sometimes it’s slow and with no one to talk to they get a lot of cash out of you on the parade....Iliana is the one .