6 yrs ago•syn7reviewedclosedTraffic Light24500 Henry B Joy Blvd Mt Clemens, MI 48043Ok for a Tuesday...
6 yrs ago •syn7commented onFirst Time A Blast!That's what I said. For $15, I got a better, 2-way contact dance from a hot chick at the Traffic Light in my neck of the woods
6 yrs ago •syn7commented onFirst Time A Blast!P.s. guys, you can go on Instagram and see current videos inside this place because camera phones are used very freely.
6 yrs ago •syn7commented onFirst Time A Blast!It's definitely worth checking out this time around. Place was slappin when I went...
6 yrs ago •syn7commented onFirst Time A Blast!Lol. I think I would agree, and I'm black . I don't feel like it's a safe area but the security checks provided some comfort in knowing no…