
Comments by ashevillenoob

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Tips for dealing with strippers perfume/lotion/etc
    I may go overboard. I keep a change of clothes, shampoo, and soap in a gym bag. I change into the clothes before I go to the club. After the club, I verify I don't have any club receipts in my pocket, I go to the gym, shower, and change back into my original clothes. Double check for lipstick stains in the mirror. I've found that spray tan, glitter, and lingering scents are all likely to get on you, even just from the chair you sit in, and you will miss something if you just do a simple wipedown. Eradicate all evidence before you head home, or you're just playing the odds every time you return home. It only took me one close call to determine that I either needed to quit this hobby, get a divorce, or remove any chance of being discovered.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    FS @ Noon
    Sreedeep, I imagine LE would greatly appreciate this review. Sounds like you've found a good thing at this club. Do you want that to end?