avatar for d.bonner


joined Aug 2013last seen Jan 2025

Comments made by d.bonner

review comment
2 years ago
avatar for Jw49
All About the Hustle
The Penthouse that was here for a short time may be the exception to the corporate club rule. They always seemed to have 1 or 2 really hot ones dancing and extras were available with the right dancer. I miss that place.
review comment
2 years ago
avatar for captainfun
new city, new club
can I get a dance?
Its hit and miss there. I've had some great nights and others where I couldn't find a girl to take my money. They have the best looking girls at any club in the city, but not necessarily the friendliest.
review comment
2 years ago
avatar for captainfun
new city, new club
First timer
They are definitely less aggressive for standard dances on Tuesdays since they have to work twice as long for the same money. I like Tuesdays since it allows me to tip the girls and have it still be a reasonable cost. If you are paying $25/dance plus they want a tip, it can get very expensive very quickly. I've learned my lesson on the VIP sessions and will never take someone back for one of those until I've had a regular dance first. The VIP is actually less expensive than a lot of other clubs, but other than having her take her bottoms off, its the same as a regular dance with more privacy. This isn't a club you come to for value or extras. Its a place that imho has the hottest dancers in the city so you are going to look, not really much else.
discussion comment
4 years ago
avatar for rattdog
New York
The idea that blue states spend money frivolously and red states are better with money is a completely made up idea that only people too lazy to do the simple math would believe. The reason taxes are so low red states is that they are welfare states that take more government money than they pay in taxes. The math is simple. The ONLY states in the country who's citizens and businesses pay more in federal taxes than the states receive are New York, New Jersey, Mass, California, Connecticut, Minnesota, Colorado, & Utah. The ONLY red state on that list is Utah and it's barely on it. Every other state in the union relies on those 7 blue states to pay for the government services that they refuse to pay out of their own state taxes. It's socialism plain and simple and its the red state maga/QAnon idiots who benefit the most. Do the math and show me I'm wrong. I already know you won't bother because math doesn't lie.