Joined Jul, 2013
Last Seen Mar, 2016


Brad's Brass Flamingo
4011 Southeastern Ave
Indianapolis, IN 46203I haven't been to this club for a year, and I had an afternoon off, so I thought I'd see what happens early afternoons…

Dancers Showclub
8013 W. Washington St.
Indianapolis, IN 46231Dancers is as good a club as there is in the Indy area. It's clean and the serving staff is friendly. This was early…


Thorobred Lounge
3634 7th Street Rd
Louisville, KY 40216This is an old club, but it's been remodeled to look fairly nice. They had only 4 dancers working, and a pretty bartender,…


Classy Chassy
4444 S Harding St
Indianapolis, IN 46217
I walked in around 6pm on a weekday, and there weren't more than 3 other guys there. I hadn't been in a few years,…


CT's Adult Super Store
157 N Clark Rd, Gary, IN 46406, USA*This club gave me cause for concern, because it's an old rundown building on the outskirts of Gary, and it's so unorthodox compared to…


PT's Showclub
7916 Pendleton Pike
Indianapolis, IN 46226I got there at 2 PM, so early afternoon, and I expected it'd be not busy. I was right; door guy said I was…


Brad's Brass Flamingo
4011 Southeastern Ave
Indianapolis, IN 46203I went in around 7 on a Thursday, and the club was not very full. I've been here other days when it was a…


The Harem Dayton
5813 N Dixie Dr, Dayton, OH 45414, USA*I walked in at 7pm Sunday, and the club crowd was thin. First time here, and I didn't know anything about this club. I…

Dancers Showclub
8013 W. Washington St.
Indianapolis, IN 46231Sunday afternoon, and the club wasn't very busy, so I expected dancers to come 'round for some dollar table dances, and a few did.…


Paradise Cove
5250 English Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46219, USA*I got there late afternoon, and saw 3 girls smoking outside near the back door. They noticed me parking, and a couple of them…


CT's Adult Super Store
157 N Clark Rd, Gary, IN 46406, USA*I'd read some of the reviews, and I had to see for myself, since I had business near Chicago. Yes, this is NOT your…

Dancers Showclub
8013 W. Washington St.
Indianapolis, IN 46231On a Saturday night, and I knew it'd be crowded, it was quite crowded. The club had certain tabled areas reserved, so that made…

Hip Hugger
805 Belvedere Dr
Kokomo, IN 46901It was my first visit to this club, so I didn't know what to expect. I've been to big city SCs, and this…


Brad's Brass Flamingo
4011 Southeastern Ave
Indianapolis, IN 46203I know this club from several prior visits, and, for me, this place is always a good experience. Always. I haven't been on a…