
Comments by m99999

  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Nice club with friendly girls.
    Sorry - I was looking at both clubs and must have added it to Mynx by mistake. Is there anyway to move it to Marti Gras II?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    ATF retiring
    I had three favorites retire. One told me she was going to take a month off because her mom was coming to visit. Unfortunately we had never exchanged numbers and I had no way to contact her when she never came back. Before she left we hung out her last day talking, laughing and getting long dances from her. I had another favorite that just disappeared. I saw her on Thursday and we were suppose to see each other at the club on Saturday. It was right before Christmas and I had gotten her a nice gift. When I did not see her at the club, I texted her and she said she was sick. We kept in touch over the next few weeks, but she stopped returning my text messages and never came back. After a few months I finally returned her gift. My last favorite retired when the club was closed down unexpectedly. We do still stay in touch occasionally. I always wished I had a chance to say good bye to number one and two.