
Comments by disgusted

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Follies at Follies?
    first off I was never a stripper I was a bartender, and secondly I feel sorry for this girl because she works on a place were every girl is basically prostituting so how is she suppose to make money to compete with that? if she doesn't wana "party" or get down, so she may make it seem like she is that type of girl because the competition is but when it comes down to it she cant compromise her self respect to do things that are not only illegal but just down right nasty. I've seen it first hand the strippers that are whores ruin it for everyone, because when it comes down to it a girl that is fs could easily get the same amount of money for just dancing or talking to the guy, so really there's no reason for it all but it does ruin the girls money that wont do such things because of self respect. I was apart of this industry for a long time and am now a lawyer, but this was apart of my past and I think this club gives Atlanta a bad look its fucking nasty and should be closed down everything that goes on in there is in fact illegal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Follies at Follies?
    seriously? dogging on a girl because she wont compromise her morals and fuck around with you nasty perverts? I use to work at a strip club a few years back NOT follies but I am appalled about reading the things I am, I mean come on fingering girls on the floor doing drugs getting fucked and sucked in VIP, seriously This club needs to be shut down, I have always heard bad things about this place but didn't realize how bad until I read this shit. This right here is what gives all strip clubs as well as strippers a bad name. these clubs are a place to go have some drinks and be entertained by fantasy, a place where lonely men who would never have a shot with a girl like that in the real world can go and feel special for a little while. a place for having a good time with friends, even a place for the sick perverts to go and get a little attention for their money, and where the girls can make money for their families, school, their self whatever the case may be but its NOT suppose to be a place to openly talk about and do drugs Not a place to get fucked in any way shape or form, and its absolutely ridiculous that so many girls are doing these things and even worse that management is letting it go on that a girl would be ragged on for not doing this shit, come on people have some morals, and I really hope this club doesn't stay open for long its certainty no cheetah actually it doesn't even sound like a strip club it sounds like a brothel