
Comments by Safana

discussion comment
9 years ago
Best Seattle Club?
Visited Vancouver BC last week. Almost as good as the Portland Clubs.
discussion comment
9 years ago
Best Seattle Club?
In my opinion, I've had great experience at Deja Vu Tacoma and Pandora's. Downtown DejaVu has one of the best VIP rooms: large couches, bugged only at 5 minute warnings, and privacy from patrons. Rick's and Little Darlings made me feel claustrophobic. Seats don't face each other per say but it's like flying coach: lots of bouncers roaming the cattle car. Sands is weird. Dance area is essentially a subway car: everyone facing each other. Reeked of desperation. Deja Vu Lake City has some traditional hotties. Pandora and Ricks have more diversity: ethnicity, body type, tattoos. SeaTac Deja Vu is small with the standard high back clinches. Mostly black club as the area around their is traditionally more of a black neighborhood in the area. That's changing fast with the gentrified a arriving for the new tech and biopharma boom. Thanks, David Peters