
Comments by dreamkiller

  • article comment
    8 years ago
    My trip to Tijuana
    Cool, thanks for the clarification, 62. Found out that Global Entry does qualify me to walk to the front of the line and use the kiosks. Another question. Has anyone been to a place called Bar La Valentina? Apparently, it's more of a nightclub in the same area and is pretty cool. Wouldn't mind checking out a regular place too while I'm out there.
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    8 years ago
    My trip to Tijuana
    Hey guys Got some questions. Going again this weekend. Last time was 5 years ago. I'm reading that there is a different entry into Mexico? Is it no longer the big metal revolving gate that says MEXICO on top, where you then walk through bridges and narrow passages? Also, the first cab stand that you encounter is the one with the big signs. I know that the prices are higher than what they should be. Can you negotiate with them? I'll be by myself. The last time, I walked past them, through that little village and got a cab after crossing the bridge, but now I realize that I probably shouldn't have walked that part alone at night to save a couple of bucks. Locals normally sit in the front seat, right? I know to visit Adelita and HK. If I wanted to see the street action, is it the street behind the clubs? So I would take a right out of Adelita, then make a right at the corner, and then a right at the end of the block? Is there a backdoor at HK that I can just walk out of? Coming back, I have a Global Entry Card. Does that allow me to use the SENTRI lanes? I'm sure that there is an article that says all this, but I haven't found a recent one published in the last 6 months, so sorry if I'm repeating. THanks