
Comments by genaveve123

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Stripping stuff i learned.
    @Gawk Goshers. That concerns me a little. Just because i swore that i'd never do otc or extras and then i hear these stories where the girl "gives" in (for whatever amt really) and then the "mystery" of her sex life is shattered. Lol. (And of course its with the girls that never imagine they would ever do it. But i never judge them. Each to their own really) ive been tempted for 700$ for a night with a client at a hotel and i kinda toyed around with the offer. I can only imagine what i would have said if payment ranged in the thousands. ( but i usually dissuade myself and think, no way hes holding so much money!! ) I dont want that. I would rather create a fantasy about what my sex life COULD be like, and then leave it to his imagination. But i just say no. (maybe in 2-3-4 years when i become more tempted? Who knows. I guess i cant promise that i'll never have sex for money. But right now, i think i can :) What ive been doing as of now has worked out for me really well. I mean, income-wise, i established regular clients by doing what im doing now. having engaging conversations, flirting, and giving them grt lapdances (from what they say! Lol I still have loads to learn i believe) and other things of course. So thats kinda why extras/otc dont tempt me AS MUCH. i do see myself doing this for a good 2,3 years until i save money to start a business of mine, but anything is possible and i wont rob myself of any opportunity that may present itself. @stax Awe, youre funny! Go for it. like i said i havent used that line yet but hey! Let me know how it works out. :) And yeah. I hate lying, and its bad enough i have to lie about where i live what i do and all other misc sh*t. so doing extreme SS is not appealing to me to even start. @papi I figured i would be adressing most clients on here!! (Oops) But as long as i dont offend anyone. Just a friendly reminder, yeah? :-D @shark Oh yeah. I doubt it! I dance in california, all of you guys are pretty far!!! Thanks all for the "welcome's"!!!!!