
Comments by NationalTraveler

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    10 years ago
    A Story in Several Parts
    Oh, her car. Her sister was driving her and was always on call for the needed ride. It was her sister who met her at the rental car place and dropped her back at the hotel to go back to sleep. Here is an example of my learning from MACK Tactics. One time I met a girl in a club in Atl at the beginning of this odyssey. In the first naked but no mileage VIP she asked me out to go to a great steak place she knew. I met her, we had a nice time but I got a hug and a gotta go in the parking lot. After reading MACK Tactics i realized that for my entire life I had not had the faintest idea of how to do a first date correctly, I had always done just about everything horribly wrong. I swore i would get a rematch and try out the tactics. I finally got her to go out again. I did the date almost exactly how the book says. This time I had a laughing dancer in my arms within the first 20 minutes. She was having such a good time that midway through she said "hey I know a great place to go dancing". Off we went, where I continued down the MACK path. I had a beautiful woman on my arm and we were the center of attention at the club, she was laughing and happy. On the way out the other guys were high fiveing and fist bumping me out to the parking lot (um not my usual night, but for the first time I learned how to put that kind of a night together). When we got back to the hotel, I followed the Tactics and quickly had her in my room and on the bed at 2AM. At that point I knew i could do that date with similar results anytime. That night she stopped me cold when i went to kiss her "I know the steps of dating", she said, "and we are not at this step yet". Which I thought was hysterical, but i didn't care because the point had been to do the date right and get her to my bed as an experiment with the approach (this was the first girl I ever saw outside of a club and maybe my second VIP) - i wasn't that focused on actually having sex with her - and BTW I never did even though I went out with her many times and we are still friends. Might have been because of that fiance of hers I later became friends with :-). I have taken numerous dancers out on that first date and it is always the same, no matter what the premise I can convert that awkward first date start into a comfortable, fun, sensual, over the top evening, with the girl happily on my arm, almost certainly ending up back in my room. That is how much that reading did for me in just one example. Im not selling MACK Tactics, trust me, but it changed my life because it taught me how to properly handle women and the more I practiced on strippers, the more I got.
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    10 years ago
    A Story in Several Parts
    On the NY club girl. Good point on asking how much / my problem was I had no cash so had to know if I needed to make that stop and I would have to do it with her - quickly. Yes I think she had the bottle for use in the club. It was very late which is another tactic I'll tell about. They were actually my condoms which I pulled out in advance. I will tell another story about this girl, but the topline is that 3 months later I got together with her for four days (including picking her up and driving her 4 hours, she was scared to death) and it was about the best 4 days of my life (and maybe hers). When we arrived at 1am she said "I want to dance for you" rearranged the room put on music candles and placed a chair and started lap dancing clothed in an hours long strip and seduction fantasy evolving naked to the bed and mind blowing sex. Now almost two years later she is a constant texting companion asking me when I'm coming to visit her. Also I have taken many girls up on "extras" when offered including numerous instances of full out sex in VIP; but I don't seek it out but hey, I'm weak and it was always late. I also have a pay policy. These girls are working hard for one thing - cash. I ALWAYS pay them for their time, one way or the other, when they stay away from the club to see me. I don't want to ever cost a girl money. It would be unseemly ;-)
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    10 years ago
    A Story in Several Parts
    Yep that's the place, read nj reviews but was afraid to go in. Finally I stopped in and now you know the rest of the story. Here is a link to "strip club seduction which gives you the idea. As you can see from the first chapter that is in the link it is all about OTC. Take it with a grain of salt but I've internalized at lot if what he says which is basically don't be the normal schlep, handle yourself properly in the club man up, take the lead - women want that (truely truly they do - it's not that they like bad boys it's that the like firm leadership so that they can feel swept away and don't feel like they decided anything - it just happened). http://www.tsbmag.com/2011/09/22/strip-club-seduction-tactics-deflecting-the-lap-dance/
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    10 years ago
    A Story in Several Parts
    Oh, and the 17.5%. It's my joke. Of all the women out there, some % totally respond to my touch (I use 17.5%; The downside is the 82.5% who don't). Those girls always say the same thing: I love how you touch me. When a girl says that I know something amazing is about to happen.
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    10 years ago
    A Story in Several Parts
    For extras I'll always discuss. These women are my very good friends and I am comfortable in several clubs with them; it makes it fun and comfortable. So I don't bother those girls - I honor and respect them. I'm looking for something else. I'm looking for the girl that is NOT one of those girls for some reason or another. Newer? (Btw, sorry I don't prey in the new, not fair, but I get to know them and later there might be a connection after 45 rounds with the assholes out there). Someone who wants a good time and be treated respectfully (um unless they need to be treated differently); Someone looking for some light adventure. When I find her sparks fly and a dangerous series of events potentially unroll
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    10 years ago
    A Story in Several Parts
    Some thoughts on the girls, working, just focused on thier kids and making money. I love and respect all of those girls. They have a job to do and they go and do it every night. I know those girls (women), I talk to them, I buy them drinks, I tip them for time we spend together- I don't waste thier time. If for some stupid reason I lose my mind and get talked into a VIP I make advances to understand thier intentions. When I do understand I respect them and stay within them. I NEVER ask for extras; if approached I'll
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    10 years ago
    A Story in Several Parts
    The flame out from the previous episode was complete after a few more rounds of the same; more would occur, but in the interlude I was passing through a certain city in upstate NY with a one night stay over to catch an early morning flight. I decided to check the reviews before finding my hotel and after a few dances at a club ended up late at . A mediocre VIP and I was back at the bar contemplating leaving. Suddenly a strikingly cute dancer stopped and said "you and me, VIP, NOW! Sure I said and off we went. About 5 minutes into a nicely heating up dance, she paused, and said "let's go to your hotel room". Sure I said, how much? Let me think about it she said, I'll meet you at your car, which was parked across the street. As I went to leave she said how about $200? Fine I said as I headed for the car. She came out a few minutes later and got into the car. Ok I said I have to stop at a cash machine and I haven't checked into my hotel yet so we have to find it. She was instantly suspicious; "are you a cop?" she asked - definitely no - "are you a mass murderer?"; nope, I tried to reassure her with the truth. Ok I know a cash machine (we stopped and got the cash) and together located the hotel. It turned out to be a cute little downtown boutique hotel. We got to the room and she set off exploring my luggage and the rooms amenities; having a great time with her discoveries, talking all the way through it all: wow what a great electric toothbrush - take it I said ;-). She was a delight and very cute. After a while she joined me on the bed and as I put my arms around her she snuggled up with me in the luxurious covers and pillows of the bed. She returned my first kiss with enthusiasm DFKing as I unbuttoned her top and explored her breasts; suddenly stopping to remove her clothing while demanding I do the same. So there I was at 2am; with a beautiful little naked dancer in my arms - and a 7am flight. The DFKing resumed as I explored her body, finding her very wet little slit and began to circle her clit, which resulted in even more enthusiastic DFKing. Wait she said, as she slid down my body to take me enthusiastically into her mouth delicately licking the sensitive parts while moving her hand up and down enabled by a bit of the moisturizing liquid from the little bottle she just happened to have. Now it was my turn to say "wait"! Relax baby she said as she resumed the DFKing but now using the liquid on me in amazing motions bringing me continually to the edge until she pulled out a condom, rolled it on, climbed on top of me and slid me inside of her. The feels so good she said, I haven't had sex in 6 months, I've never done this before (do all dancers say that, or only the ones telling the truth?) whereupon she began to move with me deep inside her rubbing her clit hard against me. Without the condom I would not have lasted a minute, but the condom combined with not much in and out movement just let me rock with her in unbelievable pleasure as she rubbed against me and came hard with me looking up at her and lightly squeezing her nipples. She lay on me for a few seconds and then began a deep in and out thrusting movement that in seconds brought me to an unstoppable climax and she continued to move until she climaxed again with urgency and then dropped down next to me. I enveloped her with my arms and held her, she held tight and said "I love cuddling". We talked and laughed for a while and then she said, I was going to steal your money. What? Yes, she said I was going to grab your cash at the ATM, jump out of the car and run. Wow. But I didn't and you are so nice and that was so fun I don't want the money. Keep it. Um, no way, I said, a deal is a deal and you need it, no way I'm not giving it to you. We laughed and played until I realized I was going to be late for the flight - hey can you drive me to the airport, drop me off, put gas in the rental car and return it? Sure she said, if I can come back to the hotel and go back to sleep. Later it hit me that it was stupid to give the rental car to a stripper I just met who told me she planned to rob me - but that's how good the connection was. But the electronic email quickly came showing she did - minus the gas fillup for which I had given her cash. It was all a first for me and pure luck, but we had a true connection and I was determined that I would definitely see her again.
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    10 years ago
    A Story in Several Parts
    That's the place. Hit or miss and a local club I get to when in the area but I've met a number of great girls there that have led to great adventures. Also know management, two brothers and they are actually good guys, if a bit profit oriented (duh ;-)). If in the area esp. Thurs Fri Sat check it out.
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    10 years ago
    A Story in Several Parts
    Btw the club sits right on the road (literally 6 feet from it) it is a long ago converted residence with lots of add ons. It looks like a red neck biker bar you would never go into but it's not as bad as that review makes it sound, the girls are almost never from the area and are friendly and generally fun. I'll get a pic next trip
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    10 years ago
    A Story in Several Parts
    Oh, I wasn't criticizing her, just agreeing with your comment that she didn't know what she was doing, you are correct though I had no goal that first night. But overall my goal is always the same, convert the right girl to an OTC experience. I have succeeded in that numerous times due to a strange confluence of events. After a couple of early visits I read two web downloaded books: Strip Club Seduction and MACK Tactics. Both opened my eyes to all I had missed over the years with women. The tactics book recommended trying out the methods in on strippers to get used to talking to and seducing beautiful women and stop being intimidated. I lost the fear of approach, conversation, of being older (um 60, turns out a large number of women are genetically programmed to like older men), and the fear of closing. All of a sudden I was inundated with OTC strippers in all sorts of pay, no pay, help out a little, and even loving relationships and ongoing friendships (I'm a nice person and never anticipated the effect being treated like a human being can have on strippers). My joke is that I don't go to clubs anymore I just live off the residuals ;-); the girls around the cities I have visited that keep in touch lobbying for a visit. It was hilarious, the combo of those books blew the lid off my life both in the relationships and in being pulled into the lifestyle which was astonishing to me. But I made bad mistakes with those girls too. Many of which (some I didn't even recognize) you called out and made me think about deeper. This story is the worst series of mistakes I made and where it led in expense, potential loss of everything I have; yet with the most amazing sex ever - and I think her deep love (which drove the worst jealousy I have ever encountered). This was meant to be a cautionary tale but the comments have given me pause too.
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    10 years ago
    A Story in Several Parts
    Oh my, it's all that obvious huh ;-). SJG your comments are quite amazing and mostly right on. This all happened over a year and a half ago and I know where it all goes and you call a heck of a lot of it correctly. I learned from this whole experience but the point of the series is to educate the reader about what not to do, what the warning signs are. Your recap certainly gives perspective to all that playing better than I could have, off the story. The club is the one I reviewed, I don't have a pic. Couple of corrections, I did have her number and we were regularly texting from the second meeting on. The lack of sex on the second meeting was more my fault than hers, she wanted to and I delayed with oral and that took the wind out of it - she did finally force it though on the third get together. You are right though that she did not know what she was doing, it was her first dancer gig and she had never left w anyone before. What was happening here though was that she was getting focused on monetizing it. From this point on she was focused on $750 a weekend and things went into a downward spiral for 12 months or so including bouts of "don't ever text or call me again" (I didn't) and then she'd be back in touch and want to get together mostly through a series of one night club engagements (she wouldn't like the club and never go back) where she wanted the support and a ride home. There were a few brief full sexual encounters but in the next episode (a year later) it all changes to amazing over the top sex I could never have in my life imagined before complete unmitigated disaster that could have cost me everything I had. Yes, there is no other point than OTC for me (I will share lots more over the top stories about other girls in the future) but the risks are high as are the unexpected costs and my inexperience (highlighted by how clearly SJC sees what I did not at the time due to his deeper perspective and experience) led to a lot of very costly mistakes. I was wondering how to bridge over the next 12 months if crap to the amazing next episode - this gave me the way! Episode 3 will blow your mind.....
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    10 years ago
    A Story in Several Parts
    Hey guys, much enjoyed and mostly agree with comments; the story will tell the truth in every detail and in the end explain everything; and here is part II: She was cute, hot, irreverent, a beautiful ebony 19 year old college student unjaded by the biz. I met her one night the first time I dropped into the small rural club. Fifteen minutes later I was in VIP with her for another fifteen minutes that turned into an hour; best VIP ever and great personal connection, but I had run out of money, the club was soon closing and she didn’t know me well enough to trust me with a ride home, all I could do was say goodbye and leave. Thought of nothing but the return visit. Five weeks later back in the area( which I visit once a month), walked into the club and sat down at the bar, she immediately crawled across the bar and asked if I remembered her. Yes, I said, it’s why I’m here – thank you for getting into the moment with me last time; thank you for giving me the moment to get into she said. VIP started out hot; do you have a place near here she asked? Will you take me home later she asked? Promise? She left with me at closing, first time ever for me; went to the private spot where I stay. As soon as we were in the car she was all over me as I drove, pushing my hand into her dancer bottoms, begging me to touch her. At my place, we were quickly naked on the bed touching, her begging me to take her; but I was still unsure of a new very young girl, settled for touching and then went down on her, she came hard, looked at me and said, we will but not tonight, took her home where I dropped her off in the middle of a street. Friday was her last night before vacation, so no Saturday night visit, I had her phone number now though. Three weeks later, short VIP (pay me what you think its worth), because she wanted to come back to my place or hers after a fast food stop. She got in the car, passed out, couldn’t wake her, took her to my place (I didn’t know where she lived and she obviously couldn’t tell me) and put her to bed, where she promptly curled up, shoes and all, and stayed passed out. Oh well, best to let sleeping dancers lie. Woke her up finally, and she wanted to stop at Quick Check and go home. On the way home she suggested a stop to pick up some cash. Covers club from night before (I did owe something) and an advance on the next evening to pay her late rent. Ok, seemed fair, and she is really cute and hot and all. Grabbed cash, stopped at her place where she invited me onto the croton she slept on and after a bit pulled off my pants, climbed on top and began to push me inside her; I avoided the movement, saying, wait, but she quickly enveloped me saying “Hmm, I think you like being in there” it was hot and hard and fast and very nice and she slumped down by my side and snuggled up (hey, so what if she passed out last night, this girl is very sweet), unfortunately had to make an untimely exit to go to our place to do projects. Nice personal connection continued and she wanted me to come to the club that night, had planned to drive her home. I got to the club at 10 or so, had about $400 on me but not planning to spend much. Usual setup saw her a bit since she was working, she told me to hang, not tip anyone and NO DANCES, she’d be back. Cool, we know and trust each other, now we don’t even need to hang together in the club. She came back a few times, introduced me to a few friends (ok to tip them) told me we wouldn’t really see much of each other but after the club closed we would hang out at her place. Perfect, I had a box of great fun presents in the trunk and we would relax and play with new toys! So, hang, don’t tip anyone and NO DANCES, she’d be back. Now that turned out to be quite a challenge. All these cute scantily dressed girls and I couldn’t even talk to them, so what do I say when each girl comes up to me and says hi what’s your name.. Plus I had to avoid tipping at the bar, which meant that, what, I say no to all the girls that pass holding open their tops to collect? So it became an evening of avoiding every girl who came near. I developed new tactics; as a girl approached I would glance and look away – that stopped a large percent. More persistent ones would not be put off or would sneak up on me, so then had to figure out how to get rid of them quick so it wouldn’t look like I was talking to them. Usually just saying I’m waiting for someone worked, sometimes had to get tougher – I’m waiting for someone and if I am even seen talking to you I will get in trouble (course I was thinking this wasn’t setting me up well for the future, but hopefully they will all forget). The girls at the bar were harder, so if it was not one of her friends I would get up and leave the bar as I saw the approach. Worked ok, bar wasn’t busy so I didn’t lose my seat. So I sat in the club and watched it all play out, pretty cool, the music, the dancers all working the guys around the room, fun to watch when not distracted as you usually are. She came back quite a few times with friends, didn’t pay much attention to what she was doing otherwise, she was there somewhere. She’d bring friends and ask if I’d buy rounds of shots, of course I would. Two friends were introduced as ok to do dances with as long as she was there. Great, three girls; um, $50 each plus tip; special premium pricing just for me? Ok, hey its fun right? Whatever she wants, it’s her show. One of her friends asked for a dance, no I said, I’m not allowed. I’m her best friend; she said it was ok. No I said. After 2 more rounds of this, I agreed, if that is what she wanted (where was she anyway). My least favorite of the girls, but I can be polite, what the heck. In the middle of the dance she walked by the booth; one look at her face and it was clear it was defiantly NOT ok. Well her friend would clear it all up; uh oh, no such luck looks like you are on your own; explanations didn’t seem to be working; gee never saw her mad before, sure don’t want to piss her off in the future. Well when we hang out later we can talk about it, should be ok when I explain it to her. After a few rounds of shots and dances I realized I was out of cash, hadn’t figured there was going to be much to spend it on. Grabbed $100 from the machine but that’s the max, and in 30 minutes it was gone, and I had gone through every cent I had. Luckily the club was closing soon; I could nurse my Bud light to the end. Oh, by the way, my friends need a ride home, can they come too? Of course. Club closed, warmed up the car, they came out, we headed out. Stopped at Quick Check for food and to harass the staff. You have not lived till you’ve watched 4 cute young dancers in street clothes running amok at Quick Check at 2:30 in the morning, very cute. Hey this was turning out to be quite entertaining. Headed to their town, went onto campus, headed up a driveway to where they wanted to be dropped off. They all started to get out - so did she. Um, I thought we were hanging out. Oh, she said, change in plans, need to hang with my friends. But, ah, I thought……. Well, didn’t really matter it was 3AM, but still, the presents, and the personal quality time; now she’s blowing me off?? Ok, best thing to do is keep your mouth shut, let it go, don’t say anything you’ll regret, no use discussing in front of her friends. I love you, do you love me? Yes, I said, shocked, not knowing what else to say. She left, mooned the car (hey she’s still cute, but now getting kinda annoying) and I quickly pulled out of the lot, around the corner out of sight and stopped at the stop sign and just sat. I was stunned, let down and feeling kinda empty. What just happened? I pulled out the rolled one I had brought, and I started to laugh. It was funny: sitting at a stop sign alone at 3AM with not a cent in my pocket on some college campus. I couldn’t stop laughing. Why? Well because, oh you who thinks he knows so much, $1200 later sitting alone in a car at 3AM; you have just been Stripper 101’d; you trusted her and weren’t even paying enough attention to see it coming. No reason to take it personally, they do what they do, you are the sucker. I laughed at myself all the way home. There was just one question, why? To be continued........