
Comments by ames86

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Stripclubs in North York (Toronto)?
    Thanks for the comments. Like the map.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    "Extras" at strip clubs?
    @3LeggedMan LMAO... In case anyone is interested as 3LeggedMan, here is a summary: Went to one around my area that had a "reputation". Stayed there approximately 4 hours, scouting for potentials. Found 3 during the span of 4 hours. Took each of them for a dance. 1st one (facially a 7.5/10 brunette), I subtly asked, and she did offer, but overcharged through the roof. Negotiated but the prices were too damn steep, so just took a dance. 2nd one (facially 7/10 dirty blond), she offered. Same deal with the overcharging. Negotiated, but once again too damn high. Took 2 dances this time because she had an all natural banging body. 3rd one, (facially 7.5/10 blond) she offered. Same deal with the overcharging. Negotiated the prices down, it was still too damn high, but I've already wasted around 3 1/2 hrs at this point, so impulsively I said fuck it, and went for it. What a mistake x) ... The whole ordeal was so bloody mechanical... Up and down movement, no grinding, minimal eye contact, just going through the motions. On average I last around 15-20 minutes. (Thank you years of porn) So I'm sitting there after the 3rd song (~9 minutes) and she give me a deadline after that... hahahaha, fucking hilarious. In one instance she was vigorously handling ames jr. for about 2-3 minutes, realizing that if I wanted, I'd last another 15 minutes. Anyways, being the empathetic chump I am, I obliged and I utilize her to aggressively meet the deadline... All-in-all not a great experience. It felt mechanical, impersonal and bland. I felt hurried and bored. Several of the guys I've talked to online during my endeavour into the adult oriented entertainment industry facepalmed and told me I should just go see a bloody SP, because what I experience is pretty much the norm when it comes to stripper territory.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    "Extras" at strip clubs?
    @Dain lmfao... that line is like something from a bad porn movie hahaha On another note, loving all the love up in here on tuscl rickdugan & dougster bffs :D
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    "Extras" at strip clubs?
    lmao... @Stilletto Are you saying you can't be a "good guy" when you go to strip clubs?! Damn it, now I have to give this quest up :P I'll have my last go at a SC this year this coming Wednesday. I'm thinking to myself, I should stop when I still genuinely show respect to the dancers, before I get jaded and cynical. I would think some people on this site would "choke a bitch" - Chappelle reference, if they paid like me on my first day at the SC. I didn't mind at the time, but after reading this site, a little whisper in the back of my head is saying "WTF, you got ownt shon, you better wise the fuck up" I should quit before that whisper becomes a loud voice dictating my perception of women in general.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    "Extras" at strip clubs?
    @mjx01 Really? I don't know... Then again, I've been to only one SC lmao... mjx01, are you speaking from your own experiences in the area?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    "Extras" at strip clubs?
    Well, accurate pictures of the facilities would be nice though. Since you guys stated, one of the hints is the layout, wouldn't want to pay a cover charge to get in, just to find out the layout of the place x)
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    "Extras" at strip clubs?
    @gsv and Corvus Thanks for the reply One thing that seems to be a problem though is SCs in my area don't have very descriptive sites (some of them, which are well reviewed on here don't even have sites anymore) Well, I have at least 48 hours to figure this shit out, so I think I should be fine lol.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    "Extras" at strip clubs?
    @shadowcat oh that brings up an interesting question I forgot to ask. What's considered "VIP"? Am I once again naive to think VIP is just a personal lap dance? I gotta say the word "VIP" is too generalized an vague these days like "organic" food... Meaning of it is never consistent lol
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    "Extras" at strip clubs?
    @Dougster lol, you don't seem to like the RickDugan character. I have no illusions about what kind of vocation the dancers chose, but my head is filled with "idealogical BS" (as one of my friends put it lmao). Even if they're "whores" they still deserve at least the general respect you'd give any stranger on the street, no? Anyways, I guess I'll try to grow some balls by Wednesday and try bluntly asking lol... I don't even know how to word the question though... Do the girls know the lingo as well and know wtf I mean if I just asked them "do you do anything extra?"
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    "Extras" at strip clubs?
    @georgmicrodong lmao. Well, as mentioned before, I'm thinking of going to a SC this Wednesday, and it will be quite awhile before I visit another SC, hell it might as well be my last time... So I'm willing noticeably lighten my pockets for a memorable night.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    "Extras" at strip clubs?
    @farmerart I'm not shy in my day-to-day life social settings. (school, work, pubs, etc.) This scene is kinda new to me so I don't know what's the norm social behavior just yet. So Farmer, you're telling me to check out your reviews right? I was thinking of having a go at a strip club for the my 2nd time this Wednesday; which will be my time off in a while due to my hectic schedule. Hope your reviews are accurate, cause it might just be the deciding factor here for this lost noob (myself).
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    "Extras" at strip clubs?
    lmao, how does one go about asking without sounding like a complete douche? Maybe I should just man up and bluntly ask about it... On the other hand, I'd probably pussy out... It's not like I can just say mid dance "soooo, are we gonna fuck?" Jay and Silent Bob style :D guess I gotta go stripclub hopping instead of club hopping to see whats the general policies of each stripclub in my area.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    "Extras" at strip clubs?
    lmao, I'm lost right now. So "extras" are just egotistical rambling of dudes with egos enlarged after a club visit?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    "Extras" at strip clubs?
    lmao... and I guess there is no polite way of asking or finding out if a club allows "extras" huh? They can't bloody advertise something like that so I'm left to my own devices :S Anyone know if there is a list that exists online I can check out, so I know if the clubs in my vicinity allow "extras" and it isn't against policy; so I don't have to ask face-to-face then get kicked out by a morbidly obese 6'4" bouncer for suggesting such a think?